Saturday, April 29, 2006

what happened to me

Or more to the point, how much my week sucked. Wow, thats a really original subject for a blog. Im gonna rant!Woot. and nobody will read it!
actually. I dont even wanna talk about it now. Screw ships.
But what I do wanna say is this, comics now updated mondays and fridays(and possibly inbetween). Ill probably still post most days but Im cutting back on the comics for the following reasons,
A: Its not about quantity, its about quality.
B: I really dont have much time anymore
C: .......I dont know....

but what you will see improved is,
A: better drawing in general.
B: more detail to backgrounds.
C: Typos and spelling mistakes corrected.
D: Possibley more colour (Even though I like the black and white approach, it just works so well.)
E: itl make more sense cause im not just beefing it out without thinking.
F: More time to make sure everything has continuety.
G: more brilliant plot twists and ideas (meaning I ask keir for more brilliant plot twists and ideas)
H: (wow I made it to 'h'!)

anyway. Still havent thought of a new name for the series. Izak*steve isnt really a good name for a comic, maybe a good name for a blog though.suggestions please......NOW.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about you call:
Triangular Life or
The Evil Outside or maybe you could go back to your original name:
STEVE: The Failures And Dilusional Successes Of My Alter-Ego.