Monday, January 22, 2007

Comic #234

battlefield vietnam is an awesome game. Pitty they dont make any worthwhile cracks for it. and the updates thing doesnt wanna work. I cant wait till I get back home to see if it works on my comp.

Mum and Dad get back on wednesday. woot. I guess.

I sleept till about 1 today. Finally I get to catch up on all that sleep I have been missing out on. Its like the party scene Im always late too. You get there late and by the time your really getting into it its over and your left going, "damn.."

as ever, props to matt for photoshopping this comic.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Comic #233 YEAR 3: Seperate paths

Welcome to year 3 of Steve, seperate paths.
I noticed that the stories sorta starting to drag out cause of the unupdatingness, Ill try and do something about it. Honest.
Well, I'm staying at phils at the moment. You know the one. Theres that zara character who has the hots for him etc etc. He has the fringe. anyway, its pretty cool. He has broad band. Woot.
So yes, If you see me around anywhere online Ill be checking out mmorpg's. It sucks, I think theres a bunch of anime nerds stealing my name. Apparently its a gundam seed character or something. maaaaaan =(.
On wednesday I go to coopers beach. Woot, man it brings back memories. Its when I decided "Hey, fuck you, Im gonna pull you out of the comics."
heh. I knew I had to swear sometime or another.
Casino royale is good. It could have finished like, half an hour before it did. He has the happy ending with the girl, he saved the day..... Then it keeps freaking going. I mean, its ok, it was cool. And it was good *spoiler alert* that the main chick died in the end. It would have been cheap and to complicated to make her come back from the dead. (damn you pirates of the carribean.)
See ya'll in a week or so.