well. There goes an hour of LOTR comedy in a blink of an eye. No one shall ever see hat cartoon, and its all this computers fault.
Ok, Im going to try and get through the comics like this now. maybe everything will pick up soon. maybe not. I feel sorta sad that this is the way the comics are going. Stamped out by the tyrany of education. Almost poetic. almost but not quite.
Im dreading pulling myself away from the computer and doing physics. Im procastinating. Im...Im.... Not in a good mood...
Current mood: "slightly insane, angry, depressed, confused and wants a hug."
Currently listening to: the voices inside my head.
Quote of the day: "You really ARE f***ing insane!" by Dane cook.
still wants a hug. yours sincerely
Izak Flash Man.
huh! u sed it rong! dats not how Danes quote goes :P
you make them up! Duh! peculiar indeed.. I would just like to clear something up. The public service message? Its exactly what I would have wanted to hear about 2/3 years ago. Not doing it for anyone in particualar, just anyone that needs to hear it.
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