Sunday, July 08, 2007

Comic #245

Well I'm on the Eve of having what will probably be the coolest week ever, and my eyes hurt from staring at this damn screen to much. But it helps pass the time till 9:30 when Samurai Jack

comes on. woot woot. two in a row of cartoon awesomeness. Wide screen mode <3.

So Izak, what have you been doing lately? Well Izak I have been drawing a hell of a lot. Playing a lot. Day dreaming a bunch. How bought you? Well me? now that you come to mention it I have been pretty good. My opinions on a lot of subjects have changed and I feel as though I may have hardened myself against the world just a bit. But its all a learning curve you know. Everyone goes through it. Some toughen up. Some get far to negative, some bluster it over. Some breakdown. Some numb it down with drugs and alcohol. Some cant handle it and stop their continued existance.

The list could go on. But theres always titties.... heh.. Hope seems to be an underlying theme in all my little stories these days.. Must be what people need.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Comic #244

This comic is done in a style im going to try and perfect, it’s a bit like the whole “Sin city” look and other underground comics of the eighties. Unfortunately I didn’t really plan the writing for this one to go anywhere. So it looks a bit messy like that. My bad.

The ipod one is just to prove to you all that I HAVE been doing other art work while I have been gone from the blogging scene. Sorry it’s an injoke, you might laugh anyway.

Life is a series of ups and downs, in an occilating pattern. It just so happens that I’m on the up hill slop at the moment. I hope it doesn’t peak any time soon.
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) not everyone occilates at the same speed. While I go on a high some one else is going on a low. Some people may go through the whole pattern over a course of about a week. Im glad im one of the bass notes that usually takes its time over these things.
In other news I had my ears blasted out last night. I seriously hope I get my hearing back. Cause if everything sounds distant like this for the rest of my life I’m gonna be so pissed. I danced like a maniac, for the ska band that played. Teehee, and I hung out in a graveyard for a bit. Looking at “Grave stones”. Sorry In-joke (inn-joke).
Currently listening to: Reel Big fish - Average man
Quote of the week: (izak) I'm on a natural high known as life.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

comic #243

another comic down, only a bizzilion to go. Look at those beams holding up the warehouse. What sorta blind ass enginer/arcitect built that? No wonder the warehouse was originally abandoned before The black bars infested it.
I have noticed that no matter what, theres almost always a perfect song out there to go along with, brighten, or make light of any situation your in. Theres always the perfect song... Except that one song that barely gets played anymore. Complete silence.
I heard that song the night before. I took the bins out to the street for collection. The night was cold, really cold, but it felt kinda good. there weren't really any stars cause of the overcast clouds. But there was complete silence. I couldnt hear cars or anything. If I was in an action movie it would be the silence just before someone says "Its quiet, TOO quiet." and then stands on a land mine. See, be careful what you wish for.
Silence is awesome. I suggest you find it someday. You cant buy it or order it online. You have to hunt it out. then sit and enjoy it, cause itl soon be gone. Just like that guy who stood on the land mine.
last part -
Nick stood, looking out over the water of the harbour. What little did those humans know. They had no idea what they released upon the world, just because of their selfishness and blasé nature. In his state of victory he didn’t notice a straight figure, with emotionless features walk towards the water. The person was fully clothed, and when they went into the water it was as thought they didn’t know it was there. The person kept walking until he was completely submerged. About half an hour later the figure walked back out of the water. Under his arm was something black.

-- Finé

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Comic #241

Holy shit on a stick batman, two comics in a row! I sketched this last night and didnt have anything better to do so yea, here it is, the slimy dripping fruit of my labours.

fun thought for you guys to chew on: To be human is to be in control. To give yourself over fully to instinct and emotion makes you no better than an animal.
When people tell you to stop being selfish their generally trying to make you do something for them instead.
When your twisted up in yourself and you come to realize it, do it for them, and don't complain.

Remember that you bastards.

They black box was knocked into the water. It sank with a splash.
Nick smiled and walked to them, all charm.
“Thank you for indulging my, hmm, fanaticism, shall we say.”
Ester glared at him, “I never want to see or hear from you ever again you bastard.”
“Oh I wouldn’t want to impose upon you like that again, but I’m sure that looking back on this you won’t even remember it.” He said. You could almost hear the italics in remember the way he said it.
That night Jason and Ester came home with thoughts in their mind about the romantic day that they had spent together. How naughty it had been of her to just walk out of work to go see Jason.
That night He asked her to marry him. She said yes (much to his relief, Oh and all the rehearsing in front of mirrors didn’t really pay off, He just said the first things that came to him and it came out great. Except the part about 12 kids.)
At the wedding Jason thought he saw a figure that reminded him of a devil. The person was smiling a huge grin. When Jason looked again it was only his mother in law.


Monday, May 21, 2007

comic #241

ROAR! Did I scare you? Probably not. Because you reading this, and never once do words scare you for being unexpected or in caps.
Oh yes, I made a new blog. its my geek side that I try not to let out on this blog. if your into gaming, or you just want my sarcastic take on things more regularly I suggest you check it out,

This comic sorta wasn’t meant to be one, that’s why its crap. It started as just a doodle of me. Probably the best comic version me I have done to date. But it suddenly connected very easily with the izak story line of izaksteve. So I decided to incorporate it.
I have been working on a cartoon for HM rage 07. Probably wont be able to finish it. So instead im dedicating it to NZ music month.
Speaking of music. The new relient k album is out. And wow…. It actually made an impact on me personally. If there was one song I was going to show everyone it would be – deathbed. 11 minutes of throat lump inducing awesomeness. I was so blown away by it. It really blessed my life. I haven’t been so serious in my blog before…. Please, listen to the song..

- keep rockin the suburbs everybody

story continued –

He opened his eyes and looked at Jason. He lowered the gun.
“Ok, fair enough.” He said. “But only on one condition. Take that box and open it outside.”
Ester had already grabbed it and slung it under one arm. She rushed past Nick and threw her arms around Jason. They embraced and spoke to each other quickly. They took the Box outside. When they put their hands near the straps to open it they could her soft sweet voices, they sounded so inviting, but so far away. As if someone on a boat across the harbour was talking and it was carrying over the water.
They opened it, and the voices got loud, harsh, and terrifying. The voices swirled around them and then as quickly as they came disappeared, the last sound being a hiss that slowly died away. It was bone chilling. Like a wild animal fighting for its life and overtaken with brutality and rage.

--To be continued

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Comic #240

Yes, I realize, theres no episode #239... As far as you all know.

Iv been gone, duh. At the moment im rockin the suburbs, messing about. Listening to music. Getting up to speed with all my favourite games. It sorta sucks, I wanna get along with this easter animation, but obviously easter is already gone, and I just keep finding better things to do. I feel like a traitor to myself. I went practically a whole year without games because of steve and other projects, but now Im not getting anything done cause of all these stupid games. Grrr their playability.

Easter camp 07 was fab. Anyone in the north Island, that has a youth group. You missed out. Just wanted you to know that. 3300 people, Come on, thats the recipe of fun. 3300 kgs of sugar. 3300 kgs of spaghette, 3300 sets of feet to trample on that unfortunate person who fell over in the rush to get at all the food. I mean, come on, were teenagers, not bulls or brainless 6 year olds. We know how to form lines! Wev done it before! We can do it again. Please people. Dont be noobs.
I feel like going on a nother rant. But its a little to close to home at the moment, and you dont know whos reading in on this. So Ill leave it be.
Laters all, see you real soon, Have fun reading the next bit to the story.

Currently listening to: Ben folds five - Rockin the suburbs
Quote of the day: "Change me!"


Running with the young woman Nick opened and started to run out the door. Blood spurts from his mouth as the blunt end a spear smacks him in the face. He twisted and fell onto the ground. Dust mingling in his blood.
Two guards picked him up and one other grabbed the girl.
“We know what you are demon, and we know that you have probably soiled this girl with your evil.” Said the guard who held the girl. She tried to struggle till he pressed his sword to her neck.
“Please, don’t kill her. I don’t want any trouble.”
The guard smiled wickedly. “As if a demon can do anything other than spawn trouble.”
And without a second thought the man slit her throat. She let out a weak scream as she fell to the ground. She looked at him with quickly dilating eyes.
“I love you.” Nick said.
She opened her mouth but couldn’t say a word.
He closed his eyes and looked away, tears filling his eyes… He didn’t feel the beatings and stabbing of the guards.

--To be continued

Monday, March 12, 2007

comic #238

Well Here I am with another intermitent update.
I wasn't to happy with this pic. Ill still try some more out in this style. the angular no lines look is a keeper. But its freakin damn hard to do.
Today I have a special treat for you. Zara Sent me a hilarious email after she saw her comic in the last post. I thought I might share it. Since it made me giggle so much.

Okay, well I tried to post this on your little message thing but it didn't want to, so I decided to email you instead. I love my birthday comic btw! Nice touch with the tree. I'm trying to decide whether or not I like your new comic style. On the one hand, I love the pretty pictures, and on the other, I hate change. Okay, so here's the message:
Ooooooooooh... thankyou Izak for my absolutely fantabulous birthday present! I love the way you've portrayed me as being an idiotic romantic, which I am. And a Lord of the Rings freak. And, being a total LotR freak, I have just one little complaint that I wouldn't otherwise mention. Tolkien never said that Elves had pointy ears. In fact, the most he ever said was that Elves had leaf-shaped ears. Which could mean anything, seeing as leaves come in a wide variety of shapes. Elves could have ears shaped like freaking oak leaves for all we know. So there has been much debate about this in the LotR community. In fact, it has been discussed and argued over almost as much as Balrogs and whether they have wings or are merely surrounded by shadows that look like wings. People care about this stuff, believe it or not. Personally, I am of the opinion that Elves have ordinary ears, as apparently they just looked like very beautiful humans and could sometimes be confused as being human. The ears would be a dead giveaway. But the fact is, we don't actually know what LotR Elf ears look like. Tolkien also never said that Elves DIDN'T have pointy ears. So if you choose to portray me with pointy ears, then that's your choice. Anyway, lecture over.

I right and justly replied to her email -
Ok. Next time Ill portray you with ears the shape of oak leaves.
I’m of the opinion that from if what you say is reliable, that they are in fact leaf shaped. it would also be wise to assume that the actual shape of the ears wouldn't stray far from actual ears. So of course they wouldn't be overly pointed, as are goblin ears. But they would be pointed at the tips. I think that the movie portraid the ears just fine and if I could I would indeed change this small deviant. But as it is it’s covered in photo shop work and I don’t want to screw around with the quality of it all.And what point would a giant wingspan be used for in a freaking mountain for goodness sake, and I don’t really think it matters to much cause if it was real you wouldn’t be looking to closely now would you. You would be running for your life, is what your doing. But down to business, you couldn’t have wing shaped flames, the flames would obviously be coming out of something, and flames don’t happen to resemble anything in particular unless its covering something, and you can’t say it uses magic. I KNOW the D&D game rules, and animals and basic instinct creatures don’t have control over magic. They may be able to detect it, but not use it.But last of all, to quash all argument, it’s a book, and it was written in the way of all books, half of it is between the words. Its what you imagine. The words are mearly the director giving you an idea of where your imagination is meant to step next. =)
*gives up holding straight face*Heh heh. I just wanted to see if I could write an essay like you did. Ill get the cool version of the pic to you at some stage =).Happy Birthday Zara.
(Oh yes, Could I post our email on the blog? I find it hugely hilarious.)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Comic #237

Well, this comic... Im rather proud of it. It didn't come out the way I originally planned. Screw up on my side not Matts. I was going to do it without lines, the way I did with the alien Picture and the Robby one. we have been working on it for two weeks. Actually, thats sorta stretching it. It was more like. a week. But we kept forgetting about it etc.

Anyway. comic #237 is dedicated to Zara and her coming of age. It might be a li

ttle hard to recognize her from the back. She used to have long hair. and yes, she stole rubber elf ears and a dress from LOTR.

The alien one is just something cute I drew the other day and wanted to share. Its the same one I did for that new years party illustration. Except hes missing his usual camel toes and Head phones hes usually wearing incase He needs to do emergency DJing.

And the last one is dedicated To my good mate Robby menzies. Thats a better interpretation of what he looks like compared to comic book cliche super hero. About the only thing they hold in common is their charming demanour. Robby also has a bit of a thing for speedos. (sorry ladies but hes taken.)

Soooo, enjoy. get out in the sun you loons on my side of the planet. Summers almost over.

(im gonna go play GTA3 now.)

Heres the next part of the story:

Everyone was frozen in place. Ester wide eyed and not knowing what to do. Jason basically being a male version of Ester but with a gun pointed at his face. Nick, steely eyed and calculating, a small hint of a smile curling the corners of his mouth. Who was this person? Were they here for him? Did they know what he was after?
“Please..” Jason pleaded, “I just want my fiancé. I don’t want trouble.”
Nick quavered. He wasn’t expecting this.
Pause. Zoom out from the ferry, zoom out from the city, zoom out further, slowly moving out to space. The earth slowly spins. All of a sudden start to zoom in on Italy. While you zoom in time starts to click backwards. Mountains move slightly and buildings disappear. 2000 years into the past and a familiar figure sprints and jumps from rooftop to rooftop. On the ground and around buildings shouts ring out. Nick leaps once more and lands nicely on top of a yellowy tiled house. He kicks in the tiles and falls through the rafters. He lands with a thud and then runs downstairs. In the center open area of a courtyard a dark haired young woman in a toga walked almost serenely past small fountains and tropical looking plants. He runs over and grabs her destroying the calm.
“We must leave now my love. They come for us.” He said with fear in his voice.

-- To be continued

Friday, February 09, 2007

comic #236

Hey everyone. I learnt something the other day. I find it vitally important to tell you. Matt cant do liquid. I mean frig. You can do awesome planets and awesome swirly designs but not liquid. I thought that was what they taught you in photoshop 101. Lol. Nah all good. But I expect progress my man. I need you to broadern your ability so I can abuse your talents a bit more.

Man, Relient K is still such a good band. I forgot how cool all my old bands were before I got into my ska stage.
Could someone tell me what important event (like easter or valentines) happens about 8-9 months from february? I mean, come on, why is there so many freakin birthdays. Did everyone just get together and decide that february would be a convieniant time to give birth. You know, not quite into the school term so thats handy, and its all calm after the holiday rush of christmas etc.
thinking about it... Its sorta odd. It makes me snigger thinking about people planning on when their gonna have kids. "no no, we cant have sex tonight, we agreed on september. No negotiation... Im not doing that... Ok maybe I will.. Just a little though."
ok heres the next part to the story.
Jason Started looking frantically round the ferry. Down a small detour he found an empty wheel chair. A little further on was the engine room door still open. He could see light reflecting off sharp fast moving objects. As he came closer he realized it was two men Sword fighting. The younger more resilient looking mans sword had a red glow about it, but only slightly. But more importantly, on the other side of the two men was Ester, doing her best to not become collateral damage.
“Ester!!” He shouted as an automatic reaction. Everyone hesitated for a second seeing a slight individual framed in the light of the door. Everyone except Nick, Who in one clean swipe knocks the Indian mans head off.
“Now for you.” Nick said as he whipped out the water pistol and pointed it at Jason.

--To be continued

Sunday, February 04, 2007

comic #235

The present if the past compared to your future, So don't try to prioritize the present over the past. Since sometimes the past means a lot to people who are trying to drown their present sorrows in it. You heartless jerk. =P

I think im getting into the swing of doing the comics again. I might have another in the next few days.
I hope this new style isnt boring you. Its very economic for me. So dont give me guilt trips =D.

I know I havent updated the 'story' for a while, but I just finished writing the entire thing, you can find the non incremented version on my myspace.

Ester rested her hand on the metal door-handle; she could feel the roar of engines throbbing through the handle into her hand.
As she opened the door the sound didn’t get louder. In fact it became more distant. She was puzzled. Inside was another door facing her. It seemed to be a hallway made out of blackening concrete. Nick nudged her in then followed her. He put a finger to his lips. Water trickled down the wall at one place and the whole corridor smelt damp. There was a dead end at one side and on the other was a junction with a table in the middle. The corridor was lined with doors. They walked towards the junction. Above the table was a single uncovered light bulb, buzzing every now and again. A squalid chair sat near and on top of the table was a black box or case. Ester walked to the table, she looked over at Nick. His eyes were glistening at the box.
“To easy.” He half said to himself. He dropped to the ground; just fast enough to dodge a saber slash from a door behind him.
An Indian man flipped over Nick between him and the table. Ester Stood in a corner, observing this new turn of events, was this a good guy finally come to defend her?
“I knew you would come, Demon,” The Indian man snarled at Nick.
“I’m glad you rolled out the welcome mat Kal`el.” Nick smiled.
They leapt at each other.

--To be continued

Monday, January 22, 2007

Comic #234

battlefield vietnam is an awesome game. Pitty they dont make any worthwhile cracks for it. and the updates thing doesnt wanna work. I cant wait till I get back home to see if it works on my comp.

Mum and Dad get back on wednesday. woot. I guess.

I sleept till about 1 today. Finally I get to catch up on all that sleep I have been missing out on. Its like the party scene Im always late too. You get there late and by the time your really getting into it its over and your left going, "damn.."

as ever, props to matt for photoshopping this comic.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Comic #233 YEAR 3: Seperate paths

Welcome to year 3 of Steve, seperate paths.
I noticed that the stories sorta starting to drag out cause of the unupdatingness, Ill try and do something about it. Honest.
Well, I'm staying at phils at the moment. You know the one. Theres that zara character who has the hots for him etc etc. He has the fringe. anyway, its pretty cool. He has broad band. Woot.
So yes, If you see me around anywhere online Ill be checking out mmorpg's. It sucks, I think theres a bunch of anime nerds stealing my name. Apparently its a gundam seed character or something. maaaaaan =(.
On wednesday I go to coopers beach. Woot, man it brings back memories. Its when I decided "Hey, fuck you, Im gonna pull you out of the comics."
heh. I knew I had to swear sometime or another.
Casino royale is good. It could have finished like, half an hour before it did. He has the happy ending with the girl, he saved the day..... Then it keeps freaking going. I mean, its ok, it was cool. And it was good *spoiler alert* that the main chick died in the end. It would have been cheap and to complicated to make her come back from the dead. (damn you pirates of the carribean.)
See ya'll in a week or so.