Pale faced, and swaying, the boy was lead down the corridor. The putrid smell of extra strong disinfectant and diesel oil permeated everything. The boy fell sideways, smacking his shoulder on the wall of the hallway. He was lead up some steep stairs, then out into a room which looked like it was the storage room of some studio or hall.
When ‘they’ weren’t looking he ducks between some boxes and a small side door, he opened it and ran out, not looking where he was going. He looked up, finding himself on a stage; blinding lights were shining on him. He squinted. Millions of faces stared at him. Some of the front row was shocked by his disheveled and sickly looking appearance.
Coughing a bit, he walks to the stand, where a man stood. He was dressed in military looking clothing, and had a small toothbrush moustache. The boy nudged the man till he got out of the way, medals clinking.
The boy looked up at the crowd. A solemn silence fell, a hush in the crowd.
His faced cracked into a beaming smile, “FREEDOOOOOOOM!!!!”
He winked at the military looking man and scampered back off stage.
Hitler, having no idea what just happened, blinked a couple of times then went back to his speech on destroying everyone.
Just something that popped into my head as I got off the ship. Enough said. Till tomorrow.
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