Sunday, April 16, 2006

comic #187

This is the last of the "side" comics. just a part 1 and 2 thing.That is the classic way of getting out of anything. Jumping through closed windows. So if you brake your neck at the bottom, they probably wont even remember what you were talking about before you jumped.

The bloodied hand which was resting on the brake, shot up, expertly righting the car up, the left passenger door scrapped on the brick wall, the car bounced slightly then skidded into the center of the road.
Ester realized she hadn’t done anything; she looked up at nicks semi-decapitated head,
It grinned back at her. No longer could you see a broken jaw, red sinew and skull.
“Well that was fun now wasn’t it?” Nick grinned at her.
Ester did the sensible thing and passed out.

--to be continued.

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