Wo! Dude! Its already the 3rd!How the heckaroo did that happen? I missed Steves birthday completely! its on the 2nd for all those unobservant people.
That second pic is something my brother hand drew, and I traced it and stuff on the computer, those curves are really hard to capture. Its not completely finshed, as you can see the holes in the R are a bit to equal and it makes it look sorta like a button. It says "taylor made" by the way. I think thats a rockin name, I was toying with it for a while for a logo but it seems as though Bens beaten me to the chase. That phrase doesnt really make sense, how do you "beat someone to a chase"? Isnt that a little like putting taxes on taxes?(which they already do) Or isnt it like "Ill swim you to the backstroke!", whoever made those up obviously doesnt know anything of the english language or grammer...Oh wait..I made them up.haha, I get it now.Never mind. *shifty eyes*...*jumps out through safety glass of moving train*(inn joke).
“Like my car?” Asked Nick. He had his hand in his pocket, Where the gun probably was. Ester gave him the silent treatment.
Nick shrugged. He didn’t really care what she thought of his car anyway. Girls never know anything about cars other than the colour. In fact she knew exactly what it was, dodge viper GTS. One of only eight in the country. He gestured towards it and it unlocked and made a little chirp sound.
“Get in. It’s comfy.”
Ester was about to tell him that she didn’t care HOW cute he was, she wasn’t getting in that car, when she found her legs walking towards it involuntarily.
Once she had let go of the door and was sitting in it grumpily inside the sleek vehicle Nick looked over.
“I guess you want to know EXACTLY what your doing here and why I choose you?”
She glowered at him.
“Yes.” She said, almost spitting.
--to be continued.
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