Saturday, February 11, 2006


ok It seems as though the first INTIRE month of my comics is gone.Nobody told me.then today EVERYONE goes and tells me.
Dont worry me and my technical team of dwarfs(just me and matt) are working on it.And I also realized the downloads thingy isnt working doh.So, if your new to the series and are wondering what the hecks going on go check out zaras steve chronicals,Their good(if not better than the orginal comics) or if you want to catch up completely with what you have missed(up till episode 100 or so) go look at the story so far button.Located at the right of the screen >>>>>>.
Exits are located at the top right hand corner of the screen.Marked with a small red and white X. life jackets arent located under your chair so dont be stupid and gullibal and look.

yours truly,
Izak Flash Man.....still single.*sigh*.....I SAID, *SIGH*.

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