Ok, in the next coupla days get out the ear plugs cause im gonna be a bitching. Why must I play hockey??I LOATH that Hell Spawn of a game!!If I could I would punch the teeth outa my coach and every other smirking bastard on the feild. EVERY year around this time me and my dad keep having arguements about it. his lame excuse is "Its In your jeans boy, Your great grand father played hockey, so did your grandfather and so did I.", and then I would come back with something along the lines of "First off I dont give a flying crumpet about jeans!!They chaife in weird places! And if you like It so much why dont YOU play it!!You definitly need it old man!".
Today went to see aon flux with matt. It was ok. I hated that chic who had hands for feet. I was like "YES!!!" when she got hit by that rocket at the end.
Matt has ALLWAYS wanted to do that to Tess, he kept bugging me about it, so I thought why the heckaroo not.
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