I hate flying insects at night. Your lying there in bed dreaming of a career and a job but mostly about girls, and then you here the ominous hugh pitched buzzy sound.
Then when your mum goes away and your trying to sleep again you hear something flying around trying to get out or whatever it is that bugs do. Then you get paranoid that it will go into your mouth when you fall asleep. And your praying to god that It would give itself life threatining brain damage or a broken kneck from flying into walls and windows.
I DID have two comics for you peoples today but half way through the second one Flash 8 crashed again. Then the SECOND time I did the SECOND comic my brother came over and we boosted the wireless network a bit. YAY, im getting free internet from our neighbor.Hes also got Age o' empires 2, a whole heap of Mp3's, the complete "lost" series. So im gonna be having fun for the next coupla days.
Quote of the day: "When I wake up, I forget how to fly?is it true that we really REMEMBER how to fly when we dream?", A question to morpheus by a little girl. 'sandman: breif lives'
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