well this is MY space so I can talk about whatever the hell I want so...You know when you go to a wedding and when it comes to the "you may now kiss the bride" bit, And the groom gives her a pussy little pek.Dont you just feel like jumping up and going "OH PLEASE!We all know you can do better than that!Dont think I didnt see you that time!!this is your first act as man and wife!!Make it count you egg!!".When this usually happens and everyone says something along those lines I like the sheepish look he gives everyone and then does the best kiss ever.
Another thing is at movies.You sit behind a couple and you wait in antisipation for the guy to get the guts to put his arm around her.Half way through the movie you slip him a note saying "What are you waiting for?" and then when he gives you a mean look you give him another pre made note saying "If you dont we will barage you with a steady flow of pop corn.We kept a box specialy for the occasion".And then when he gives in (And puts his arm around his mum) the whole row of your friends stand up and give them a standing ovasion.Then you all sit down and act inconspicuise...Well thats all I have to say for now.
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