fun thought for you guys to chew on: To be human is to be in control. To give yourself over fully to instinct and emotion makes you no better than an animal.
When people tell you to stop being selfish their generally trying to make you do something for them instead.
When your twisted up in yourself and you come to realize it, do it for them, and don't complain.
Remember that you bastards.
They black box was knocked into the water. It sank with a splash.
Nick smiled and walked to them, all charm.
“Thank you for indulging my, hmm, fanaticism, shall we say.”
Ester glared at him, “I never want to see or hear from you ever again you bastard.”
“Oh I wouldn’t want to impose upon you like that again, but I’m sure that looking back on this you won’t even remember it.” He said. You could almost hear the italics in remember the way he said it.
That night Jason and Ester came home with thoughts in their mind about the romantic day that they had spent together. How naughty it had been of her to just walk out of work to go see Jason.
That night He asked her to marry him. She said yes (much to his relief, Oh and all the rehearsing in front of mirrors didn’t really pay off, He just said the first things that came to him and it came out great. Except the part about 12 kids.)
At the wedding Jason thought he saw a figure that reminded him of a devil. The person was smiling a huge grin. When Jason looked again it was only his mother in law.
1 comment:
Holy frig on a stick. I must say that this is rather well drawn, keep it up... Biiiiitch
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