Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Silence HUMAN

Ok, I know I havent updated the comics yet, I'm waylaid with a picture I'm actually being payed to do. So, as I said a while ago, paid work in the real world gets priority over Steve. So yes. *excuses take up the next few lines ->*

Hope you enjoy the sample. that pic takes up about.... 1 inch square of the pic. So, thats actually gonna be pretty tiny, Wont be able to see the detail I put into the knobs and stuff. Sigh..

So next time you see your friends give them a big "Shut the @#$% up while I multitask HUMAN!" from me. =), thankyou.

p.s. Down with facist scum who don't alowe me to draw on walls. (damn over reactors.)

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Comic #229

ok, So, It seems as though matt is Hurteling into a heap of weird looking spikes. Well our brainless hero ever make it away alive? PROBABLY.

My bebo thing has gotten me thinking, its starting to become a social experiment, people react differently to it. Some don't give a damn really and just tell me I need help. Some are genuinly concerend, and the reasonably intelligent ones no its a lie.
But the even smarter ones actually want to discusse it. Thats cool, cause its getting me thinking, Im looking at it in a whole new light now. and its making me review myself a bit. hm, interesting is it not?

In other news I have exams on monday and tuesday, wootus, after that I have nothing left to do other than draw and animate and do all the crap I have always wanted to do, like singing in the rain and flying around on an umbrella pretending to be a nanny.

Currently listening to: Stephen lynch - Half a man

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Well, ok, so I didn't bring out a comic on monday, BUT, I did have a fun idea for some artwork, and yes, that is Steve with an emoish hair style, I was testing it out to see how it would look.

It was originally just a doodle I did during school, and then I was like, hey, thats pretty bad ass, I'm gonna keep that then cut it up. So yea, I cut it up and placed on the scanner, I then got some black card for the background then scanned it, Viola. I then Stuck it onto flash and added that text. Its sorta a creepy little thing for my bebo. I like the Steve's usual "whos there" fraidy cat look.

Enjoy. (cause I did)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Comic #228

Ok, so, My mum insisted I have desert this time, and then she made me have american brownies afterwards. I'm usually to full and don't feel like pudding. Anyway. Im freakin out. Im so full of sugar I'm all shaky and stuff. Being a computer nerd its sorta hard to find hobbies to expend all this over exuberance.. Well, Other than typing really really really fast. But thats about it, hahaha*twitch twitch* I'm in a good mood.

I have officially decided that bebo kicks Myspaces stupid fat ass. Its true, I kinda like it better cause you can draw on other peoples pages. Thats a definet bonus. So go on there, add me, and I'll draw you a pretty picture with lots blood in it. yay =D

This comic is on time since I drew It a few days ago cause I'm still behind in the comics. Maybe on monday I'll add another one. Who knows.

Currently listening to: Goldfinger - Its Your Life

Hey hey. We havent updated the story in a while, So here it is, for all your oralgasmic pleasure.

Ester rested her hand on the metal door handle, she could feel the roar of engines throbbing through the handle into her hand.
As she opened the door the sound didn’t get louder. In fact it became more distant. She was puzzled. Inside was another door facing her. It seemed to be a hallway made out of blackening concrete. Nick nudged her in then followed her. He put a finger to his lips. Water trickled down the wall at one place and the whole corridor smelt damp. There was a dead end at one side and on the other was a junction with a table in the middle. The corridor was lined with doors. They walked towards the junction. Above the table was a single uncovered light bulb, buzzing every now and again. A squalid chair sat near and on top of the table was a black box or case. Ester walked to the table, she looked over at Nick. His eyes were glistening at the box.
“To easy.” He half said to himself. He dropped to the ground, just fast enough to dodge a saber slash from a door behind him.
An Indian man flipped over Nick between him and the table. Ester Stood in a corner, observing this new turn of events, was this a good guy finally come to defend her?
“I knew you would come Demon,” The Indian man snarled at
“I’m glad you rolled out the welcome mat Kal`el.” Nick smiled.
They leapt at each other.

--To be continued

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

kick an emo in his pants day

(Hm. odd) ahem, no one will have no idea what I meant by that (and probably never will.)

Aaaaanyway, Tomorrow, November 9th is Annual 'Kick an Emo in his "overlytighttothepointitsgay" Pants day'

Tell all your friends, get your entire family together for a day of emo ass kicking action. Give all those middle to upper class white kids something REAL to cry and write about for once.

"Dear diary, I went to look for some more hair products and pants in the womans section when I got beset upon by a gaggle of "The other people.", I came home and watched some burnt DVD's with all my friends on our new plasma screen TV... I dunno, No one likes me, I have no friends, and I'm sooo under priveledged."

Also this is toaster appreciation month.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

comic #227

Woot, slowly making my way through. Another comic and I will have made up for my three weeks of tardyness.

Ok, first off, props to Matt for his mad skillz in photoshop. Fireworks just doesn't cut it I'm afraid, even if it DOES do vector art(most of the damn time).

So, celebrating SAINT Guy Fawks day. Its sorta noob this year. If there are to many fires and accidents their going to ban it. = (. Is there no way of being a man these days? Is there no dignity?
Hey that reminds me. chic "I heard that guys who wear pink shirts are secure in their masculinity." Izak "Wtf, I'm secure enough to not have to proove it." chic "Oh....".
I'm pretty sure I have said that before. Gosh, thats the annoying thing about this blog, I have so many posts I can't remember anything that I have written before, and I don't wanna keep regurgetating the same thing over and over again. Talking about that, Free txt on weekends is over, but the cool thing is vodafone released 10 dollar txt. meaning 2000 txts for 10 dollars a month. I know to most countries this would be a bit of a rip, cause australia has 2c a txt or something, but in NZ its all 20c a txt so meh.

See ya'll real soon (I hope).


Saturday, November 04, 2006

comic #226

Ok, so I havent been around for a while, I could make up lots of excuses.... But instead... I'll make up a whole BUNCH (Like flowers, the look pretty and smell bad.) of excuses. There is no fifth excuse

Excuse 1. I couldnt be bothered.

Excuse 2. I got stuck on a stinky ship... Yet again. I hate that ship. But I must admit that it has to be the best trip on the ship yet. The food was extremely out of WACK. What is wack? meh, who cares. It was DRIPPING with faaat. Oh Gawd. Don't mention the cheese.

Excuse 3. I....Put my back out. It paralized me.. :)

Excuse 4. I had a massive writers block in my thigh. It hurt, but I pulled through for all my gorgeous fans out there... And you ugly ones too.

Excuse 5. There is no excuse here.

Excuse 6. Its not humanly possible to do comics of such skillz j00, n00bz f@g 10l.

Excuse 7. I was slaving over a comic for hours then my dog ate the motherboard.