Ok, so I havent been around for a while, I could make up lots of excuses.... But instead... I'll make up a whole BUNCH (Like flowers, the look pretty and smell bad.) of excuses. There is no fifth excuse
Excuse 1. I couldnt be bothered.
Excuse 2. I got stuck on a stinky ship... Yet again. I hate that ship. But I must admit that it has to be the best trip on the ship yet. The food was extremely out of WACK. What is wack? meh, who cares. It was DRIPPING with faaat. Oh Gawd. Don't mention the cheese.
Excuse 3. I....Put my back out. It paralized me.. :)
Excuse 4. I had a massive writers block in my thigh. It hurt, but I pulled through for all my gorgeous fans out there... And you ugly ones too.
Excuse 5. There is no excuse here.
Excuse 6. Its not humanly possible to do comics of such skillz j00, n00bz f@g 10l.
Excuse 7. I was slaving over a comic for hours then my dog ate the motherboard.
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