Is it just me or is Steve constantly falling? What is this? Funniest home videos!? Have you ever noticed that if you saw most of that in real life you would be shocked. You would be appaled if someone laughed. You would call them a heartless bastard if you saw a small child slip and crack their head on the side of the pool and they laughed. And yet when they get put on Tv and labeled Funniest home videos its hilarious. The media truly does effect our judgment.
What else do I see here? Steve getting infatuated against his better judgement. At least hes still trying to do the right thing.
Lol. I was watching America's Funniest Home Videos this evening and it actually did remind me of this strip.
You need to start carrying a camera around more often.
You're missing out on $100,000 opportunities!
oooh. I carry my camera everywhere anyway. But would they really appcept videos from the opposite end of the globe?
I saw someone from here (Canada) win $10,000 once!
Totally false advertising with the "America's" part.
So if we're allowed to, anyone can!
(And if you say Canada is almost America though... you die!)
lol, yea, I know the difference between America and Canada.
Cause Canada rocks!
Hi Izak,
Glad you enjoyed your visit to my blog!
I have a photo of you at Rage I should post!
ooh. totally :D
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