At first the people tried making polite conversation with the boy,
"how are you?"
"How old are you?"
"whats your name?"
"where are you going?"
"Are you visiting realitives?"
"your not running away are you?"
All of these met a silent brick wall. The boy was content to just stair out the window, watching the country side slip away. When the couple asked for his name again, he idley looked at them.
He seemed like he was thinking about this question even though he made no gestures or movements.
"Thought." he said.
"What was that?" said the young woman in the passenger seat.
"my name is Thought." said the boy, with slightly more conviction.
"Oh really?Havent heard that one before. Its sorta like Hope, or Grace, I suppose. Why did your parents name you that?"
...... The boy, Thought, didnt answer any more questions.
The man said something, concerning the name, They both chortled to themselves. Thought remained oblivious to their quiet conversations.
A few hours past, and quite out of the blue Thought said,
"Stop here."
This made the couple jump, They werent expecting anything, so much as a peep to come from Thought.
"what? Right here in the middle of nowhere?" said the man.
And Indeed, it was The middle of nowhere, A hedge row stretched between two fields, a few sheep could be seen in the distante corner of the field.Large tufts of mountaines looking grass sprouted up Every so often between its lowland counter parts. Next to the hedge row a skwalled looking wood shed was lying in ruin. It was slowly turning organic.
Other than that there was nothing of interest.
Thought stepped out of the car, took the black box from the back of the car, walked across the road, Turned, and tipped his trucker cap at the couple.
They smiled and drove away.
"thank goodness, that kid was giving me the willies." said the chic, the man agreed.
Looking in the rear vision mirror the boy slowly dissappeared int othe distance.
To be continued.
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