Friday, March 31, 2006
comic #174
Gosh, izaks drama of the day:
izak inocently picks up the tube of tartair sauce to put on his fish. A splattering of the stuff goes on his fingers and a peice of fish falls on his lap. Not knowing what to deal with first he goes for the fish, as he picks it up a mosqieto buzzes up to his neck to do some french kissing with his veins. Izak instantly repulsed at this affection slaps his kneck to get rid of the offending creature. Totally forgeting that he was holding a peice of fish maranated in sauce.
Whos the winner here America? Deffienetly not me anyway.
Ester shook her head. Why had she walked out of the board room? Why had she had the one thought in her mind that it might be a good idea to go to the water front? A sleek rather good looking man stood in front of her. He gave her a broad grin.
“No doubt your wondering why you’re here.”
“Uh..” she started.
“you’re here to do exactly as I say without questioning what I say.”
“And what..”
“So undress right NOW.” He said with a straight face. He burst out laughing.
“I’m just kidding.” He smiled “But I’m not about the gun in my pocket.”
She visibly relaxed. She didn’t mind dieing in public but shed be damned if she would be naked in public.
“Who are you anyway?” she said, starting to look angry. The confusion and shock starting to wear off.
“Just call me Nick, Demon at your service.” He bowed low, then looked up through the hair that had fallen in front of his eyes,
“actually, your at mine.”
--to be continued.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
comic #172 #173
four more then Im back on track. Ok, for all those that are burdened of knowing me personally this is what I wont to happen at my funeral.
When I die, spend all my money on a huge partay(cause parties are lame.), I wont everyone to partay it up, maybe use the kariokie machine to talk about Some of my halirious shenanigans (braking tables in half, Falling down a hill backwards by mistake, falling down stairs backwards by mistake etc. etc.). I wont everyone to come away from it going, "duude that rocked. Izaks funeral kicked ass...What? You didnt come? You missed the coolest partay/funeral of the year man! Your such a noob if you didn't come.
And since she bagsed it, itl be a joint funeral for me and Keir, since she will be in the same car as me at the time of our death (we'll be coming back from delivering Matts millions (inn-joke)). So hopefully lots of her friends will be attending, and also hopefully some of my dorky friends(I dont really mean that) will get hooked up, and everyone will come out a winner! Except for me and keir, Who will probably be wondering why someone hadnt replaced the bulb at the end of the tunnel. Stupid selestiel handymen. Probably got caught in rush hour limbo or something.
Monday, March 27, 2006
comic #171
Oh my friggin gosh. I was doing an image search for buddhism and muslim religous Icons. One of the first pictures for the muslim search(where is that Iraqi boy?) was rather rivolting. It was pictures of the war in Iraq, it was truley nausiating. I Sorta regret doing (sorta) groosim comics now that I have seen what a real human looks like with their heads blown off. War is not a good thing.
Quote of the day: Make war not love, its safer....wait.
Listening to:"somebody hates me" by Reel Big Fish.
The man got up, threw his rubbish in a convenient bush and walked towards the woman. Now would be a good time to learn their names, his would be hard to pronounce in any human tongue so for now his name will be nerkicontrivenickes, or Nick for short.
Hers was a rather boring, normal name in comparison, Ester Harding. He was alive when the Greeks had first thought of philosophy. She was alive when rock stars thought it was cool to wear skin tight leopard skin jump suits.
Nicks life had been spent running, chasing, twisting, and in general, being a scourge to human history.
Esters life had been spent running away from, and chasing boys in her teenage years. She was currently going steady with a rather nice guy who was currently asking the mirror to marry him in different tones of voices and muttering “No that’s not right... Got to make it really nice, but not whiney or pleading.”
He stopped in front of her; she was staring blankly through him. Her eyes started to focus on him.
--to be continued.
comic #170
Woot, two in one day. Also today I added a poll box thingy, Ill ask cuting edge questions like...Like... I dont know, ill find something.
This is quite a small section of the story. Since I already did I bit today and this is as much as I have done so far :P.
Near the water front munching on a Bk Double cheese burger sat a man. He had a Trench coat on and a jet black brief case beside him on the bench he was sitting on. This time most fan girls would have to admit, he was pretty good looking. His jet black hair was jelled and the fringe struck up, spiked slightly. He finished his burger, and started to sip away at his coke and chips. They were far to salty. He rubbed his hand on the side of his black jeans, as he did this he looked up to see a woman in her mid twenties, she wasn’t extremely pretty, but, in general she was pretty.
--to be continued.
comic #168
Wootness!Lets get this rolling like a baby down a flight of stairs.
Its going to take forever to catch up. Im what, five comics behind. gosh.
Well, When You stay up all night txting you can take heart in the fact that the person you were talking to probably feels as screwed as you the next morning.
Urg, I wanna play oblivion. DAMN YOU MATT! Curses upon you and your tendency to get the coolest things EVER. Well I know how to combat this, *runs off to play morrowind*..*comes back and realizes itl never be the same again*..*cries*
The woman wasn’t what you would call a model, but in most ways her features were quite pretty. Either way it has nothing to do with the story, but guys like hearing those bits the best and I have to capture that side of the market somehow.
She was sitting in the board room. It was appropriately named she thought dryly.
The slightly balding man up the front was waffling on about a pie graph which held little or no interest to anyone. It was one of those days.
Her cell phone rang; she looked around embarrassed, apologized, Said she had turned it off. As she walked away to answer the call, half a dozen hands went into pockets and surreptitiously turned phones off.
“Hello?” she queried. The number didn’t look familiar.
A Coarse voice literally seeped out of the phone. It wound around her and started to sound smoother, lighter, she didn’t realize it was her talking now.
The phone slipped out of her hand. Being a new black stream lined phone, it smashed into pieces.
She walked down 10 stories, not bothering to use the lifts, she walked out without a backwards glance.
--to be continued.
*ahem* Comic #168.1
Sorry bought that. Seems as though mister computer is having a bit of a B.F. . And mister izak is starting to loose hair over the whole debacle.
But anyway BEHOLD!For I now have beautiful sound! Rock on!!
I now can actually start the computer without it spitting ugly little red boxes at me.
Ill start doing the comics again sometime tonight (yea right Izak You said that in the last post and ditched us for days!).
<-- teaser (unfinshed) comic.
Quote of the day: "Well NOW you decide to work you stupid hunk of wires and sylicon."
Friday, March 24, 2006
comic #166 #167
ok, not quite oodles. but Im doing the best I can. 3 more comics until Im completely up to date. Heck, theres comics that only update twice a week. This series would take FOREVER if it was done at that pace.Im thinking of cutting down the series to about the middle of next year. I cant keep this up for 5 years, I would just burn out.
Im also thinking of starting a mini series and another short story. I have always wanted to parody all those gaming web comics that you see everywhere. I mean WHY NOT?? They take the piss outa everything from LOTR to mario brothers. Why cant I do that to them? Actually, outer circle is forgiven, those guys rock.
"Behold!For I have Flash!" and then there was a flash, and then light.
Wootness!Well expect to see oodles of comics later on tonight! Im over joyed, and if I didnt have to make dinner You would probably be looking at the next 2 comics by now. Its gonna take me a while to battle my way through the webcomic ranks again. what am I now? 2316th? Thats basically 1000 places back from where I was before my computer went haywire! Oh well.
This is the comic I was working on when the computer went down. Just before I published it I tried doing some drawing on flash, and oh my gosh, its frickin laggy!!Its gonna really turn me off doing this daily, but I shall press on! I think our computer lost ram somehow. I used to be a great believer of computers, I barely ever had a bad word against them until this one decided to go senile(yes for all those imature people out there, it does sound like infertile) on me.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Fatal error has occured
The day Izak went crazy, or the day he went slightly more so.
Being her pushy uninformed self, Izaks mum was trying to get Izak to wipe windows and start everything from scratch. After much arguement, Izak finally did as she suggested. After he reformated C drive and reinstalled windows, He eagurly when onto the desktop to see if everything was ok...Everything wasnt ok. For a start off, everything had seemed to have slowed even more than it was BEFORE he started, Flash had completely decided to not work for anyone or anything thank you very much and as a further kick in the nuts it didnt believe it had a soundcard. After about three hours of trying to make different drivers work Izak tryed a hissy fit (since it ALWAYS used to work when he was a bratty little piker), He smashed his head on the computer desk on the way down and lands on a pile of conveniently dropped pins.
Exclaming with great enthusiasim Izak cried
"Oh I hate this frickin machine lets sell it for another and throw it down a flight of stairs(the old machine that is, not the new), and has anyone seen my bit of chipped tooth?"
Never fear, Im still drawing the comics, I just need to Find a good comp to use that has flash and a scanner(nudge nudge wink wink matt).
Also Im working on the Proper story line with Keir to get this comic in the right direction.
This comic really is a collaboration....Meaning I ask for ideas from Keir and steal ideas from Matt. :P
Being her pushy uninformed self, Izaks mum was trying to get Izak to wipe windows and start everything from scratch. After much arguement, Izak finally did as she suggested. After he reformated C drive and reinstalled windows, He eagurly when onto the desktop to see if everything was ok...Everything wasnt ok. For a start off, everything had seemed to have slowed even more than it was BEFORE he started, Flash had completely decided to not work for anyone or anything thank you very much and as a further kick in the nuts it didnt believe it had a soundcard. After about three hours of trying to make different drivers work Izak tryed a hissy fit (since it ALWAYS used to work when he was a bratty little piker), He smashed his head on the computer desk on the way down and lands on a pile of conveniently dropped pins.
Exclaming with great enthusiasim Izak cried
"Oh I hate this frickin machine lets sell it for another and throw it down a flight of stairs(the old machine that is, not the new), and has anyone seen my bit of chipped tooth?"
Never fear, Im still drawing the comics, I just need to Find a good comp to use that has flash and a scanner(nudge nudge wink wink matt).
Also Im working on the Proper story line with Keir to get this comic in the right direction.
This comic really is a collaboration....Meaning I ask for ideas from Keir and steal ideas from Matt. :P
Thursday, March 16, 2006
comic #163
comic #164
Teddie is homesick for a place he’s never been. A poem…
If life is a beach who represents the sea weed?
How did the cow jump over the moon? He didn’t, It was filmed in a remote location on a rocky desert.
Treat your neighbour the way you want to be treated. What if your one of those people who cut themselves with razors just so they feel better?
What does death do on his vacations?
How many possible sentences can be formed with the English language?
Where do thoughts come from?
Do thoughts take up a different dimension? Cause I have never seen them in the current 7 that we already inhabit.
Can music really be made with maths?
There is no such thing as a wrong number. How can numbers be wrong?
Whats the answer to life? Figured out the question? Cause the answer is the answer you find to the question before you die.
Is the answer to this question no? yes, the answer to this question is no.
There are such things as stupid questions. The ones you never ask.
I lied, it wasnt a poem.
(if anyone can answer any of these questions feel free to post a comment.)
Yes, I know, two more comics. Our computers still lurching. When it can run flash properly again ill post them.
original post:
they do. My computers lurching through life at about the same speed as an atari. Which is pretty slow, you could probably count how fast everything refreshes on your hands.I am still drawing the comics, so when the computers ok ill be ditching them all on.Ok, yea, the look of the comics getting better, I must admit. And after what Zara said I dont want to do a half ass job on them anymore. grrr her.I think its been getting better since I have been doing sketches by hand then scanning them onto the computer then flashifying(izak flash man, duh) them so they look finished and cool. and what about our good friend colour?...Screw colour.Lol, Im going to have to work it in somehow.Laters all. see you soonish.
comic #162
Yes Keir, I know you live in a house. :p, an extremely creepy one by the looks of this comic.
final episode to the black box,(or IS it?dun dun duuuun.)
Izak walked across the bridge. He was almost home. He crunched across the gravel, past the trees which were by now, almost bear of leaves. He didn’t notice them, He was thinking. They fell around him and crunched underneath his feet. He was happy, which was his usual disposition.
He went through the gate, it clicked behind him. Half the fence still hadn’t been painted.
When he walked inside, off the patio, he found his mother, tears streaming down her face.
“Where have you BEEN.” She yelled.
“Uh.” Started izak, but he was broken off by the tsunami of hugs formally known as mum.
“Music practice?” he managed to squeak.
She told him he had been missing for three days, there were search and rescue workers trawling for his body in the creek.
He walked into his room, having no idea what was going on. He set down his keyboard case onto the stands. He went to open the zips, he felt a wave of nausea and fear, he had a strange feeling there was something inside there he shouldn’t let out, what it could be he did not know.
He unzipped it.
Nothing happened.
He felt rather silly.
What would really be so life threatening in a jet black box or case.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
comic #161
My gosh, I Copied the whole story of the boy and the black box onto Microsoft word, and by golly, how could anyone READ it?Its so full of mistakes but dont worry, its all corrected, and when the downloads are updated ill make matt put it in the specials folder, entire story, no spelling errors.
Thought stood until the car was far out of sight.
He swivelled around, jumped the ditch that ran along the side of the road. He slowly climbed over the fence that went around the field. Thought walked across the field towards the old wood shed. When he reached the door, which was swinging idly on its hinges, it would get half way then bounce off a tuft of weeds which had made their home in the centre of the doors path.
Thought stopped, took a perceptible breath then closed the door; it was hard enough to tear the weeds out of the way.
He held the door closed for a moment with his palm spread out on it.
Then he opened it.
A dank breeze came out of it at him. Inside was a concrete room, exactly opposite his door was another, and to the right, a hallway lead for miles, to the left a few doors down was a slightly wider room, it had a fan on the roof which swung slowly. A bare bulb fizzled.
“I thought you would never come.” A small Indian man came around the corner.
“Please, come in.” he said.
Thought walked into the hall way and followed the small man to the table.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t got anything prepared.” The man bowed slightly.
It was odd, seeing a grown man humbling himself to little more than a boy.
“Don’t apologise brother,” said the boy “for it is I who should apologise.”
“You have come to call in the favour?”
“Yes.” The boy dumped the box onto the table. Small voices hissed, like wind through the Bowes of a tree.
The man recoiled away,
“You cannot ask this favour of me!”
The boys face didn’t flicker with any sort of emotion,
“You do not need to fulfil any tasks, but only guard the box.”
The man shock gently.
“But what If I can not resist the voices?”
“You shall have to try. I have born them for far too long already.”
“But a millennium of evil is held inside the box.” Said the Indian man in what almost sounded like awe.
“And a millennium more is to be born.”
-the sort of end
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
comic #160
For all those that hadnt figured it out, the last couple of comics yesterday were part of a special comic made for Matt, (woot, hes 17!), I promised him that He would be the only person laying eyes on them, but I was three comics behind.. So I lied. my bad. BUT. No one will be able to see the last 4 or 5 pages of that comic.muhahahaha, look on Ebay or trade me one day..
Man, I have been one busy son of a bee lately. Indian ink drawings, sketchs, charcoal, graphite. You name it, Ill discredit it. Also done the next coupla days comics. Its sorta curving towards me again. Been working on shading and stuff. slowly edging its way onto the people(youll see in tomorrows.).
Wow, its amazing how many hollow promises, plot twists, and dead ends I have made in the comic. Im gonna go back and collect them all up, and see if I can come up with plausable endings. The boy and the black box is almost at an end, thats should be pretty easy to finish, But I dont really want to finish it. Its the sort of story that mutates into an epic headache real fast. It would rock, if I was a good writer that is(thanks for the support Nicolean.).
Monday, March 13, 2006
comic #156
At first the people tried making polite conversation with the boy,
"how are you?"
"How old are you?"
"whats your name?"
"where are you going?"
"Are you visiting realitives?"
"your not running away are you?"
All of these met a silent brick wall. The boy was content to just stair out the window, watching the country side slip away. When the couple asked for his name again, he idley looked at them.
He seemed like he was thinking about this question even though he made no gestures or movements.
"Thought." he said.
"What was that?" said the young woman in the passenger seat.
"my name is Thought." said the boy, with slightly more conviction.
"Oh really?Havent heard that one before. Its sorta like Hope, or Grace, I suppose. Why did your parents name you that?"
...... The boy, Thought, didnt answer any more questions.
The man said something, concerning the name, They both chortled to themselves. Thought remained oblivious to their quiet conversations.
A few hours past, and quite out of the blue Thought said,
"Stop here."
This made the couple jump, They werent expecting anything, so much as a peep to come from Thought.
"what? Right here in the middle of nowhere?" said the man.
And Indeed, it was The middle of nowhere, A hedge row stretched between two fields, a few sheep could be seen in the distante corner of the field.Large tufts of mountaines looking grass sprouted up Every so often between its lowland counter parts. Next to the hedge row a skwalled looking wood shed was lying in ruin. It was slowly turning organic.
Other than that there was nothing of interest.
Thought stepped out of the car, took the black box from the back of the car, walked across the road, Turned, and tipped his trucker cap at the couple.
They smiled and drove away.
"thank goodness, that kid was giving me the willies." said the chic, the man agreed.
Looking in the rear vision mirror the boy slowly dissappeared int othe distance.
To be continued.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
comic #155
Wow, I actually made it to the computer today. props to me I guess. I need them, Im le tired (well, take a nap..THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES.), bush walking. fun fun. The first couple of minutes are ok, then you realized your gonna have to walk back UP the hill to get to the cars.
oh dear, I was going to do the next part to the boy and the black box but it seems as though SOMEBODY wants to know what happened at hockey.
I have never liked hockey, in the 7 (or 8) years I have played it, I have never for one minute enjoyed it. It has been nothing but a black abses on the side of my life.
So Dad forces me to go (and I cant be bothered holding up arguments because when all my snappy comebacks dont force the other person into the corner I get bored.).
We go up, pay my registration fee(quite a bit may I ad), meet some old faces, make rude comments about how much I hate hockey.It allways feels sorta odd, people look at me and go "You dont like hockey?Why the hell are you here then?"
"Because I have no choice.What are you in for? Drugs?Misbehaviour?"
Then we meet the coach, which I had from last year. He delivours the same speach he gave last year,
"I dont mind swearing, as long as its only at yourself.It shows a competitve edge."
"my ass."
He then tells us to warm up by jogging right around the rugby/cricket/anything else that a barren peice of land can be used for.
So alright, we do that. Get back, and then he tells us.
"Now your gonna run around this field for 12 minutes, its a race, so who ever comes out in front at the end is obviously the winner. You should be able to do this, most competitive athletes can do this easily."
"Really?well if you see two competitive athletes tell me, I wanna see them run around a field full speed for 12 minutes. should we drink 2 liters milk first or is that later?"
Did you realize that the basic entry for military is to run a mile in five minutes? Now, Im pretty sure I could do that no sweat.(ok, maybe a little sweat).
But THIS?! Ok, when somebody tells me to do something, I generally do it, no matter how grudgingly. So im in the top five runners for the first 3 or 4 laps, running..around, and around. By this next lap, 5th I think, Im not feeling so good, my throat starts clenching and Icant breath, starting to throw up in my mouth, generaly odd stuff going on. So im like, screw this game, im not gonna throw up or die from lack of oxygen for this bitch or any of those stupid cricket players over there. So Im running all causual like, when I dart in behind the tree line and instantly collapse, now that felt good. I didnt care that I was being a panzy, or a sell out. Just lying there never felt so good.....Sooner or later some man came running over to make sure I wasnt dead, I guess this isnt a good earier to lye around motionless on, since half way through last year the head boy of the school had had a heart failure(more or less) playing soccer and dropped dead on the field..A while after I told the man that I was quite alright when my throat desided to open up again. One of the guys from my team came over, Josh, and told me to get up now and if I didnt the coach would come over and take a look. I said skrew him and this cruddy game, but I got up anyway. Walking in a wobbly line back to the team, the coach says to me, "might as well go back up.", I took this as an excuse to not come back(pobably a hint anyway), as I left you could hear him saying,
"I am quite dissapointed if no one could run for that long, now everyone get up, were gonna do some sprint relayes.". I went up, got my money back, I never turned back, I never regretted a thing.
Im not a runner, Im not a sporty person, I draw comics, I amuse people(hopefully).
For the first time in 8 years im not playing hockey.Woot!!
(sorry for some of the language I used, But this is one of the only things I hate with a vicious passion.)
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
comic #154
Gosh, its sorta sad, I went back to the webcomic that started it all for me yesterday. One of my favourite series is ending, . This is the webcomic that made me really interested in making my own, I owe more to Josh Merman than he knows. Its sad sometimes to see how much stress hes under doing these projects. Im surprised he has enough energy to make them even.
Perhaps Im fortunate to only have a small (if any) fan base. No ones constantly bugging me, trying to dig into my personal life, or making mean comments behind my back except for matt. But we do that in equal doses so its ok, we all know who the brains of the opperation really is.Or at least he likes to think he knows :P, jjks.
Anyway, This is going out to all the other webcomics out there, "Skrew what people say about you!As long as you enjoy it, keep with it, If your running out of steam and only do it because everyone will send you hate mail if you didnt, same thing. Skrew them. You have a life to, and your obligated to live it your way, not everyone elses.
comic #152 #153
Between school, paperrun(hell yea!Represent), odd jobs(making archives for fellow webcomics) and the liberal bowlfuls of work my parents dish me, I have barely ANY time at all to do the comics.
That throat thing that I mentioned with the last post called for reinforcments and took me out yesterday. Forgive me for am a human(who laughs at your misgivings to).
Since I started the comics my gaming life is practicaly non existent. Let me try and remember the last game I played...ok, I played maple story for about, 17 minutes at matts the other day so I would get to the new world before he did. Once I did and was running around looking at all the lego people Matt gave me the feeling he wanted me to leave so he could go look at it himself...I stayed long enough to be just anoying enough to keep the situation polite and under control. GOD, your brothers are now somewhere down on my hate list Matt, down below a slippery dick called David, who is in turn below barney.
Yes, the "what about my hair" thing is an injoke. The real robert is ABSESD with his hair, you see him enjoying the veiw out a window then you realize hes actually looking at HIMSELF in the window.
" Hey Robert, your meant to look OUT the window."
"Now what would be the point in that? Theres nothing worth looking at."
two naked individuals run past the window, A building explodes and a plane trying to do aireal stunts snaps in half and the pilot goes screaming to his doom from 12 thousand feet.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
comic #151
Woo, comic 150 SUCKED. So I made up for it SORTA by spending 3 hours drawing this one up, its still only not quite up to scratch because SOMEBODY(stairs daggers at mum) is rushing me to get off the computer and do homework. It looks as though the net to my room is shut
down.NoooooooOhwellwhocares. So this comic is to all the special people who I wont be talking to as much on msn anymore :(, I never thought I would be sad about not being able to talk to some of them(couple in particualr).
*sigh*, alright, I have a cold, my throat feels like its redecorated the inside of itself with crinkly newspaper, and for those who dont know me, I have this urge to always sing when Im on the comp so thats turning into torture since I sound like peewee herman.
comic #149 #150
The old man reached out his hand. As he leaned forward he heard voices. Low, whispering,s weet, like syrup running off a spoon.He was amazed by them. As the noy and the old man touched hands he felt a great weight lift off him. As if all the rocks that had been collecting up over his life had just been taken away. His world suddenly became more solid, more tangible. He no longer felt as though he was being swamped under by all the problems of his life.
no he could see opportunitys where he used to only see insurmountable walls.
He opened his eyes. He hadnt realized that they were even closed, it was almost as if he opened them for the very first time. He saw the world, and it was beautiful.
The boy walked on, up the path, past another set of car parks and another large store. he reached the main road on the far side of all this.
He stood precisely on the side walk facing the road. He lifted out his hand as if it were a scientific manouver and raised his thumb out.
Almost the very first car stopped, The middle aged man and a woman beside him looked out of the open window.
The man leanded over,
"Need a ride?"
"yes" the boy said, with his precise tones.
"where ya headed?"
"where are you going?"
the man looked oddly at the boy.
"Out into the country. Your not running away from home are ya?"
"far from it." the boy almost smiled.
He walked to the back of the car and put the black box into the boot. He did this carefully and precisely. he closed the trunk with the slightest of clicks.
Friday, March 03, 2006
comic #147 #148
I apologise whole heartedly about the first one.Im in one of those "moods" today, One of the ones where I dont care that Im probably destroying the whole continuity of the story moods. As some of the more observant of you can see, I dedicated it.
The boy and the black box....
gotta go play maple story!!!WOOT!It works on my comp.slowly.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
comic #146
ok, time out. lol, Im totally random. Starting a Short story and not even announcing it. for any one curious, its simply called the boy and the black box. It may or may not have anything to do with steve.
Todays comic is partly based on a night mare I used to have over and OVER again. Sometimes even twice a night. It used to scare the beejeezers outa me, and mum used to say that I would point at random parts of the room and talk and stuff.
Anyway, the dream was like, a black place, and there was weird greeny colour for contrast..Anyway, I would be standing by this pare of steps, which would in turn lead up to a path. The path would stretch on forever. But the first time I went on it (with somebody I cant remember whome), i would take a couple of steps, but feel massive amount of movement I would literaly step across the universe(as a discription, except no stars, nothing, just black). So I made it to the other side and theres small things which would be massively mind boggeling at the same time. So for some weird reason I decided to take one of these "things" back with me. There was a kid by the steps warning me not to go, but did I listen? NOOOOOPE. So I step out onto the path and move for bizzilions of miles. but for some enexplicable reason I cant move at that speed ever again. Im stuck in nowhere. For a while I can see a grey line or tunnel leading onto where I was and where I should be going. But I still cant go anywhere. Im completely cut off from all human interaction and emotions and everything that makes us what we are for the rest of my life. Forlonly sitting in nowhere, not being able to do ANYTHING. No life.....
Personaly I have a feeling thats hell. I hope none of you go there. even in a dream its unbearable.
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