Wow, I actually made it to the computer today. props to me I guess. I need them, Im le tired (well, take a nap..THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES.), bush walking. fun fun. The first couple of minutes are ok, then you realized your gonna have to walk back UP the hill to get to the cars.
oh dear, I was going to do the next part to the boy and the black box but it seems as though SOMEBODY wants to know what happened at hockey.
I have never liked hockey, in the 7 (or 8) years I have played it, I have never for one minute enjoyed it. It has been nothing but a black abses on the side of my life.
So Dad forces me to go (and I cant be bothered holding up arguments because when all my snappy comebacks dont force the other person into the corner I get bored.).
We go up, pay my registration fee(quite a bit may I ad), meet some old faces, make rude comments about how much I hate hockey.It allways feels sorta odd, people look at me and go "You dont like hockey?Why the hell are you here then?"
"Because I have no choice.What are you in for? Drugs?Misbehaviour?"
Then we meet the coach, which I had from last year. He delivours the same speach he gave last year,
"I dont mind swearing, as long as its only at yourself.It shows a competitve edge."
"my ass."
He then tells us to warm up by jogging right around the rugby/cricket/anything else that a barren peice of land can be used for.
So alright, we do that. Get back, and then he tells us.
"Now your gonna run around this field for 12 minutes, its a race, so who ever comes out in front at the end is obviously the winner. You should be able to do this, most competitive athletes can do this easily."
"Really?well if you see two competitive athletes tell me, I wanna see them run around a field full speed for 12 minutes. should we drink 2 liters milk first or is that later?"
Did you realize that the basic entry for military is to run a mile in five minutes? Now, Im pretty sure I could do that no sweat.(ok, maybe a little sweat).
But THIS?! Ok, when somebody tells me to do something, I generally do it, no matter how grudgingly. So im in the top five runners for the first 3 or 4 laps, running..around, and around. By this next lap, 5th I think, Im not feeling so good, my throat starts clenching and Icant breath, starting to throw up in my mouth, generaly odd stuff going on. So im like, screw this game, im not gonna throw up or die from lack of oxygen for this bitch or any of those stupid cricket players over there. So Im running all causual like, when I dart in behind the tree line and instantly collapse, now that felt good. I didnt care that I was being a panzy, or a sell out. Just lying there never felt so good.....Sooner or later some man came running over to make sure I wasnt dead, I guess this isnt a good earier to lye around motionless on, since half way through last year the head boy of the school had had a heart failure(more or less) playing soccer and dropped dead on the field..A while after I told the man that I was quite alright when my throat desided to open up again. One of the guys from my team came over, Josh, and told me to get up now and if I didnt the coach would come over and take a look. I said skrew him and this cruddy game, but I got up anyway. Walking in a wobbly line back to the team, the coach says to me, "might as well go back up.", I took this as an excuse to not come back(pobably a hint anyway), as I left you could hear him saying,
"I am quite dissapointed if no one could run for that long, now everyone get up, were gonna do some sprint relayes.". I went up, got my money back, I never turned back, I never regretted a thing.
Im not a runner, Im not a sporty person, I draw comics, I amuse people(hopefully).
For the first time in 8 years im not playing hockey.Woot!!
(sorry for some of the language I used, But this is one of the only things I hate with a vicious passion.)