woops, for anyone that didnt notice I forgot to stick episode 31 in there.Well dont worry, Hot of the press we have episode 31 witch I scrounged Up before I came online.Its my first actuall funny one in a while so yea, Hope everyone enjoys the grandma from hell, BECAUSE I LIVE WITH THAT!even the beard growth!arg, why me!?!Oh yea for anyone that read the comment that I got yesterday, Thats mat(HA),good friend of mine.Lol he just hates it when I only do 1 T.
yay! no word verification. like your comics. you def. have some talent. i should have you draw a comic of me ;)
hey!that sounds promising!what sorta comic?
comics are cool. i have family that was heavily into the comics at one point. was even published. great artwork!!!!
Not bad I will have to check back and see if your comics grow.
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