HI everyone!Yesterday I found another blog comic so now im hoping to fullfill my dream of bringing them alltogether to make a sorta blog comic comunity circle thingy.
On a lighter note It so happens to be Toaster Apreciation week.I mean, THINK about it!What would you make toast with without a toaster?!?The whole universe could be different!We would be baking bread on fires still!Man wouldnt have made it to the moon and internet would be a thing of science fiction if there were books to print science fiction into!actually I cant take credit for this special holiday season.Blame that girl over there>>>Yea you!Keir brewer and her friend!get them!Their degenerating the Roman calender AS WE KNOW IT!.*sigh* that felt good to let all that out.Now ill just stay away from them for a couple of weeks so they dont crush the family jewels.
1 comment:
hi Izak, love your comics! Thanks for mailing me. I added you to my blogroll - and to my personal daily read list! :-)
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