Wednesday, November 30, 2005
episode #57

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
episode #56

Im pretty sure most teens my age will relate to this comic.End of year brake, all the time in the world strech's out in front of them like a welcome mat and they suddenly realize that theres nothing to do for a couple of MONTHS.The problem is I only SORTA relate to this.I mean they bitch on and on about how school suuuucks and then they bitch on about how all their friends have taken off down country and left them all on their lonesome.you know what I say?get off MSN and frickin collect stamps or something.lol.I tried collecting stamps, its not what you would call an action extravegansa so I stopped.
At the moment Im into skate boarding.Im gonna have to buy a new board though.My current one is threatining to do itself in and brake in half like the last one.
Monday, November 28, 2005
comic #55

2 days behind with comics but oh well.Does anyone know what it feels like to put all this work into something and then accedentally quiting out and losing everything that you did?WELL I DO!BLARG!!boohoohoo.This is the second try at this particualler comic.I gave up and pasted pics from previous comics to speed the process :P.Can you blame me?
Do you think it really matters that im straying away from the story of steve?For anyone who does care hes off enjoying his holidays while I go through my own little drama.
Also everyone say hello to my little friend mister Tagbox>>
If you want me to hate you, go and spam on it.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
comic #54

this is actually yesterdays one.So hopefully tommorrow MIGHT be a double feature.Looks like the beach day isnt going to happen.DAMN YOU RAIN WITH YOUR LIFE GIVING MOISTNESS!!*ahem*.Some of you may have noticed im starting to faze backgrounds into my comics.Some day It will be fully detailed stuff hopefully.
--reply to rufus berkly's comment: hmm, wow.Interesting.Hes 8 years older than me, his site also looks like one giant ad that takes way to long to load on my 56k modem.Its his job to make comics, I mearly do this out of boredom and free will.
but other than that, thanks for your insight and merry christmas.:)
P.s.s i know you are in fact pimp daddy ceasar 3rd so dont bleeping spam my site!!
Friday, November 25, 2005
comic #53

I promised you it and guess what, you get it in the same day!YAAAAY!tomorrow will probably be a bad day for updates since Im going in a christmas parade and then im going to the beach. ROCK ON NIGGAS!oh yea,ROCK ON WHITE PEOPLE TOO!sheesh.Let the hate mail come>>
--thanks thejake420 for the spelling correction.Much obliged to know that someone has the balls to tell me without having to sound to patronising
comic #52

I dont think I will ever be able to draw Keir right so I have given up trying.No one I draw as a cartoon actually look anything like the people(except the hair of course).In fact my face ISNT a pointy looking "U" believe it or not.
Im working on a full colour comic for tommorrow.It looks sorta cheezy but has anything I have done been anything OTHER than cheezy?
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Episode #51

everyone give Casimir A fist in the small of his back.lol just kidding.When I read his comment I was like aaawwwwwwhat the hell ill make the next episode or two.
I sorta wanted to make this episode quite sincere but I didnt really know how to finish it so I went with the classic "Gay conitations" gag.Works every time.
Update status:Tommorow may be graced with a new cartoon!YAY!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Feast tales #1

I found this comic lying on my computer that I drew ages back and I thought, what the hey.Ill stick it on so yea. I started Lots of series but never really got them off the ground.Steve Is my longest running comic so far.
I just done the intro for the cartoon for TV.3 or 4 hours of work just for 15 seconds of work. I better head off to piano practice now since my parents pay 20 dollars for each half hour lesson.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
comic #49
Saturday, November 19, 2005
comic #48

For all you switched on people out there you may have noticed that I have been using quotes from Neil Gaimans "American gods".Good Book, spooky but good.Im not going to tell you witch parts are the quotes so Ill leave it up to who evers interested to hunt around and find out.
Latelt I have been listening to Reel Big fish.They have to be the COOLEST band ever.I dont blmae you If you havent heard them though.
Friday, November 18, 2005
comic #47

ok, Bear with me now.This is going somewhere ok?
And I would just like to thank matt for forcing me into doing this and not actually giving me any creative input at all.
I asked him what he would say in the situations but hes not very original.Ikarumba!Eat my shorts!Soooo, we decided to use an old gag twice.Similar to kicking a dead horse, all you get is a sore leg and an exploded stomach.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
comic #46
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
episode #45
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

woot!Sorry guys but i still have a couple scanned ones to go.I got excited and drew them up to wednesedays.my bad.lol. Well Im of to homeschoolers group in a moe where ill learn NOT to spell stuff like days of the week and other such meanial things like my name. Sheesh adults these days are so grumpy and up tight these days. Like this one guy who was kiyaking down the stream.We were harmlessly letting of bottle bombs and sky rockets and other alegal stuff and we werent even aming at him and he randomly shouts:
man:I hope you blow your fingers of!
ethan:I hope you drown..
That last bit had me laughing for a while.
Another time this lady said to got away from the stream becuase she didnt want us to desturb the ducks.We looked around and there werent any frickin ducks ANYWHERE.
So one of the guys was like: "Sorry nonexistant ducks!"
AND THEN, theres the time when a homeless bum started verbally abusing us for totally no reason. I have meet some pretty cool ones though, who dont actually get angry over stuff.Those are the ones your respect the most.
HEAR THAT ALL YOU TEACHERS OUT THERE!straight from the horses mouth...
Monday, November 14, 2005
episode #41 #42 #43

Phew.Lats of the big updates.Now I can get back to just doing 1 a day.I think Ill stick to just drawing them on the computer since thier overall better quality and fast output makes it a thousand times better than just drawing by hand.Even though Im better at just drawing by hand.I should buy a drawing tablet but their way to expensive and Im getting pretty good at drawing with the mouse.Also on my to-do list is learing how to use photoshop.We have the latest full version on the computerbut I cant be screwed learning how to use the silly thing.
Worth over 700 dollars as well I think.Everyones begging for a burn of it.Its really annoying.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
comic #39 and lost comic #40

epsiode 40 is actually a lost episode. You guys should be able to figure out where its meant to go.P.s. toaster apreciation week is now officially toaster apreciation month.I can see this dragging on for a while.Oh, if anyones curious.Matt the guy thats in the comic world with me Is actually the owner of that blog and a good friend of mine.good times, good times.mat.hah!
comics 34,35,36,37 and 38

wow!HUGE update.This is an acumulation for over the week.Just remember I owe you guys three tommorrow.I had to draw them on paper over the week, and tonight I scanned them all on and have been working non-stop to get them half way presentable.I hope they all come out in the right order and also Please dont sue my for giving you guys eye strain.Im not so good with scanners.I cant fit them all onto one post as well.
Monday, November 07, 2005
loooong holiday
Well, actually more like a forced r&r but oh well.Comics this week will be patchey since ill only be able to draw and upload them while mums not looking.damn computer ban.Hopefully by sunday ill be back on and updating.Im drawing up this weeks comics in RL(real life) and will be scanned into the computer.It will be quite interesting really.Most of them will have something to do with me going into the comic realm so it will be quite confusing.
so until then, go check out shtickl or matts bloggy thingy or maybe even check out my old animation website at www.tamakazi.digitalzones.com .cheezy but funny.and click on my google ads...that always helps...
so until then, go check out shtickl or matts bloggy thingy or maybe even check out my old animation website at www.tamakazi.digitalzones.com .cheezy but funny.and click on my google ads...that always helps...
Friday, November 04, 2005
Oops, comic 31

woops, for anyone that didnt notice I forgot to stick episode 31 in there.Well dont worry, Hot of the press we have episode 31 witch I scrounged Up before I came online.Its my first actuall funny one in a while so yea, Hope everyone enjoys the grandma from hell, BECAUSE I LIVE WITH THAT!even the beard growth!arg, why me!?!Oh yea for anyone that read the comment that I got yesterday, Thats mat(HA),good friend of mine.Lol he just hates it when I only do 1 T.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
comic 33

Again I have found a difference between me and other guys(riiiiiiiiiight ;) ). Guys have an infatuation with cars and babes but I dont, I mean, who wants a noizy oil, greasy thing that gobbles up your money?!?I would rather the car personaly.yea, the smart people saw that coming.*sigh*.
The smart people may have also noticed the new link bar to the right of this>>
Yes!There are other worthy comic blogs out there!Go check shtikl out afterwards...THEN COME STRAIGHT BACK!YOU HERE ME!?!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
comic 32

HI everyone!Yesterday I found another blog comic so now im hoping to fullfill my dream of bringing them alltogether to make a sorta blog comic comunity circle thingy.
On a lighter note It so happens to be Toaster Apreciation week.I mean, THINK about it!What would you make toast with without a toaster?!?The whole universe could be different!We would be baking bread on fires still!Man wouldnt have made it to the moon and internet would be a thing of science fiction if there were books to print science fiction into!actually I cant take credit for this special holiday season.Blame that girl over there>>>Yea you!Keir brewer and her friend!get them!Their degenerating the Roman calender AS WE KNOW IT!.*sigh* that felt good to let all that out.Now ill just stay away from them for a couple of weeks so they dont crush the family jewels.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I felt bad about giving you guys nothing but a drawing of me the other day so guess what.Two comics!YAY!I hope my unexisting fan base isnt felling to let down by the second comic:P.
Dude!Me and my friend have just made the coolest bottle bomb EVER!It ecode across the whole street.I felt a shock wave and my ears are still ringing.Probably since I was standing about a metre away when it went of.Mum came racing out of the house and asked me "what the HELL are you doing?You almost shacked the glass out of the house!".I was prowed of that statement but didnt admit it.
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