Monday, May 29, 2006

COMIC #200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Woops, The comic didn't do what it was meant to when it was hosted on this. So please go here to view comic ->

Wow, Thats pretty cool I guess. Props to Matt for colouring, next time I wont be holding your hand the whole way. Gotta learn to do it yourself sometime or another. :P Enjoy that V. Gonna have to work a lot harder next time to earn one. Lol.

Imagine If I had stopped this whole project at number 50 all that time ago. I would rather not imagine *shivver*.

This comic would have been a whole lot bigger but I decided against it because time was of the essence and poor 56k modems would be waiting forever to see the bottom of it. I feel for you all. I know how it feels.

So, thanks everyone for supporting me in my plight, for the good times and the bad. for richer or poorer (mostly poorer), sickeness and in health. Yes!I do I do! Now, how many brides do I get? lol, k, little overboard there. But you can forgive me...If you want

Ms. Rourke go here ->


Anonymous said...

Hey izak your wrighting is to small again how are we ment to read it?

Izak Flash Man said...

uhm.(damn I hate when people do names like that, im so paranoid.)

I had a look at the comic, It seems readable to me. Did you upsize the pic after it was done loading?

(I shall hunt you down and find out who that is. In the non threatining way of course.)

Anonymous said...

Ok ur crazy

Izak Flash Man said...

Like a Fox.