ooh, the eve of comic #200, Thats freaky. It'l be super cool and kick ass compared to the shoddy things I did last time for comic ,#50 ,#100 ,#150. No one even GOT comic #100. Lol, the main thing is I did. And I shall giggle at everyone so they feel as though theres a big joke their all left out of.
Matt will be using his super siane photoshop cs2 skillz, so that will be sweet.
I used fireworks for a couple frames of this comic. fun fact, take it home. Chew on it.
Also, frame 6, yes, can you see it? That itty bitty steve on the skate board was originally a doodle I did on a piece of scrap paper when the computer decided to have fits. I didn't think about it much at the time, but this morning (about two weeks after drawing it), I was like, frig, wheres that piece of paper?? MUM..Wheres the paper!.. Which paper?.. You know, the one with a doodle of steve on it.. Ok so that REALLY narrows it down doesnt it? Only every white piece of thinly sliced piece of wood in the house is covered in your creepy little drawings.. Point...
But eventually I Found it, and viola, 2 inchs of blankness is used up.
Girls are still pretty annoying to draw, with their jutty oute hips and assets and stuff. So I had to go out and find some resources to help me out..Ok. Stop looking at me like that.. I got 'danger girl' out from the library and some anime(shudder). Basically imagine a cartoonist who looks at playboy all day drawing superhero chics for a comic and you should have a rough Idea of the dimentions he uses. Sorry for being blunt, but when your talking about this sorta thing you have to just say it or not say it at all. I should have gone with the latter option.
Piece out, so you all real soonish.
Currently listening to: Reel Big fish - Drunk Again. and the pink panther theme song.
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