I just HATE IT!when girls do that.You never quite know what their talking about.Like their whispering to each other and then when you walk over to show them your new YoYo or something they just go all quite.Or its even worse when your NOT walking over to them and thier whispering and staring at you.Its like "DONT LOOK AT ME WITH THAT TONE OFF VOICE!!".I think 88% of all guys know what im talking about exactly.
recommended listening: Relient k- mood rings
http://www.lyricsdomain.com/18/relient_k/mood_rings.htmlits pretty funny,check it out.
Not quite true...
What do you mean by that?
I mean that sometimes we just suddenly go quiet when you come over to a girl coz maybe, maybe we are talking about you perhaps
Perhaps thats usually true because Ive asked a girl almost the same questio once and the answer was almost the same
i know i made a pretty controversial comment in the comic. Perhaps why they always stop talking or keep staring is because im one UGLY mother fudger.lol.But what do i know? Im not a girl. and everyones entitled to an opinion.
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