guess whos sitting on my lap right now....nope WRONG!Huston, the most beatufil looking girl I have ever had the opportunity to pat whenever I like.Before your minds wander TO far, shes actually a kitty(kitten).:).had you guys going for a bit there didnt I.
Quick update thingy:The story so far link for Steve is now running fine and is also in its perfect form.No longer is it just a pile of words.its an ORGANIZED pile of words with PICTURES.YAY!Thanks for wasting your time on that Matt.Also I have updated the link to the steve chronicals by zara. So now it takes you straight to them unlike before.
For all those who noticed, yes that IS actually a different car.Since I couldnt find that ugly brick of a thing that I photo graphed last time.I went out side and took a photo of (one) my brothers cars.It looked SO cool when I first drew it. so I had to dum it down a bit so it would actually look like a crap car.Oh well.
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