(The day of Izaks 100th comic and the events there in set as a classical story)
Today I awoke with a big gapey grin!Yes today was my victorious entery into..uh..Wait.TODAY was the day I get to show off my new comic!As I ran down the stairs to unwrap my present-DAMN, did it again.As I ran down the hall to upload my new comics low and behold my Dad hops out of the closet and gives me a surprise!I didnt ask what he was doing in there since I was still recovering from the truama of it all. he saith to me "YAY, son.we be off to do something fun and special.like.." and I imediately recovered and asked "Where pappa bear, where shall we spend this joyuos of occasions?","Why?Isnt it obvious padayin learner?We be off to paint grandmamas fence!" "My mouth dropped a mile.Daddy mistoke it as a joyful smile.
So we pranced along to granmamas in the old horse and cart.We had to go around the long way since the horse wasnt fast enough for the motor way.
While we were painting I was sweating like a small oinker.The sun sure was smiling upon the lands of middle earth today! half way through, I threw a patty since I was angry.
When we got home I noticed I had papers to do.i said to myself "I get to do my sivic jutey and distribute paper round the street!How lucky is me.Ss."
At this moment father pokes his head around the car to say the 2nd most obvious thing in the world "Why son, you have papers to deliver",and then I politely said ".....NO SHIT SHERLOCK!I just happened to trip over them on my journey to the door!.?." he then went on to say the 1st most cunningly obvious thing of the day "My!You sure arent a happy chappy today izak." .
I graciously smiled and let it roll off me like water off a ducks back.
Moral? If you were me on this day..You would know that an honest days work doesnt make you have a warm fuzzy feeling inside.And also im a selfish mean person.But thats beside the point. :)
oh, and just to prove all that story was true/

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