I have noticed that no matter what, theres almost always a perfect song out there to go along with, brighten, or make light of any situation your in. Theres always the perfect song... Except that one song that barely gets played anymore. Complete silence.
I heard that song the night before. I took the bins out to the street for collection. The night was cold, really cold, but it felt kinda good. there weren't really any stars cause of the overcast clouds. But there was complete silence. I couldnt hear cars or anything. If I was in an action movie it would be the silence just before someone says "Its quiet, TOO quiet." and then stands on a land mine. See, be careful what you wish for.
Silence is awesome. I suggest you find it someday. You cant buy it or order it online. You have to hunt it out. then sit and enjoy it, cause itl soon be gone. Just like that guy who stood on the land mine.
last part -
Nick stood, looking out over the water of the harbour. What little did those humans know. They had no idea what they released upon the world, just because of their selfishness and blasé nature. In his state of victory he didn’t notice a straight figure, with emotionless features walk towards the water. The person was fully clothed, and when they went into the water it was as thought they didn’t know it was there. The person kept walking until he was completely submerged. About half an hour later the figure walked back out of the water. Under his arm was something black.
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