ok, yes, for everyone who didnt know, I turned 17 yesterday. Yay me I guess, another year older another...bit wiser.
You know what kinda tickles my interest bone, people saying happy birthday. Its not that its a bad thing, its cool that people go, "hey bro, happy birthday.", and then I scare them away by saying "aww, thanks, BUT, DID, YOU, MEAN, THAT, OR, ARE, YOU, JUST, A, ROBOT, WHO, DOESNT, THINK, ABOUT, IT, CAUSE, ITS, LIKE, AN, AUTOMATIC, REACTION, WITH, YOU, PEOPLE. thanks for the toy. :)"
ok, now forget all that, I wanna tell a breif story of something thats being weighing on my mind. You can tell its EXTREMELY important by the way I spelt weighing.
To set the scene, planet earth, zoom below australia to a little strip of islands lovingly called New Zealand. Zoom into the top Island. You can see buildings now slowly becoming more detailed as you come closer, move to the left a bit... Now you see individual houses and streets. People look like little ants. Zoom in a bit more and you can see me absent mindedly carying a huge stack of papers. I have just plugged one of the blitters into a letter box, and unbeknowenst to me there is a small, usually cute looking little dog. I would normally see it coming and turn around in amusement but this time Im even more lost in my thoughts than usual.
It sinks its teath into the back of my calf mustle. I suddenly realise somethings wrong with my leg and I feel a moment of shock and fear shoot through me, I think it might have been adrenallin or some defence mechanizim. I look down and see the dog-thing. It immediately lets go and scammpers. I shout profanities to the street in general and do my best to chase after it but having chomp marks in my leg and carying a huge wad of papers doesnt aid me well. It gets away. I seeth for the rest of the round.
zoom forward two days later, It trys the same trick but this time I boot it into the ground. Zoom forward maybe a week later, its to far away and the owners are right there so i throw stones at it instead. Damn you mutt, Im gonna get you good one day, and thats the day everyone will learn you dont go biting me in the calf and get away with it easily.