Well, I have had enough of whining and going on about stuff. Im gonna do one of my "feel good" inspirational type posts that you may stray across occasionally in the warped and wonderful world of Izak.
I wanna talk about tayls, the bestest best besty wittle teddy bear EVER, e-v-e-r... eeever.
So, I got a teddy bear for my birthday. Keir hand made it for me :). Thats Suber sweet in my opinion. But she is a super sweet girl after all so what can I expect? *shrugs*
Anyway, tayls is a cutie, and even if her head is a little big and lopsided on one side(also a little misshapen) that doesn't detract from her cutieness one bit.
I have never really had a teddy before, this will be my first proper one, So even if I'm 17 or whatever, its never to late to cuddle a teddy to sleep. (that last sentence there is daring any of the guy readers to say otherwise.)
Tayls doesnt actually have a tail if your wondering, and if you were wondering what tayls means and whatever your not about to find out i'm afraid. >:) teehee
In unrelated news, sorry that the comic was so late, I decided to have a life the ENTIRE weekend, strange isn't it? *Izak walks into the outside world and hisses at the sun.*
Im curious, am I the only one who does stupid stuff to get out of awkward situations? Like, when your going through someones junk, looking for interesting things, and then the people see you as they walk down the road, so they yell at you, and you cant think of anything to say or do, so you just hiss at them like some kinda dimentid gremlin and lope off, hoping it wouold be suffisintly funny to make them forget why they were shouting at you in the first place.
That didn't happen to me, so dont talk about it. EVER! You didnt see anything, you cant proove anything. All you have is the word of a deranged twisted cartoonist.
quote of the day:
Mum: Izak, where are you? what are you doing?
Izak: I'm in the toilet...Do you really wanna know what I'm doing?
1 comment:
I wanna see this teddy
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