Wow! The first time in ages I have an update thats actually one time 0_0. Go me.
I like evil Izak, hes just so.... Gothic, but at the same time not emo, and yet not even gothic, since I dont think goths have a sense of humour.
Now you must admit, moving someone from one place to the other by turning them into steam IS quit a convenient way of getting them around. You dont need to worry about lumps of body parts getting squashed by the vacume of other dimensions.
I like to think of this update as a bonanza update, since im going to put TWO halves of the story on for you. I know I havent updated it in a while, If you want to read an uninteruppted flow of the story go check out my myspace.
Nick wheeled Ester to the ferry He waited patiently in line. He even got help from one of the crew to get the wheel chair do the ramp without bumping it.
He wheeled her to a secluded part on the outside of the boat.
In the harbor boats were making a slow lazy crawl across the lappy water. It was mid day and most people were on the top of the boat, which had a better view.
The wind swept up off water onto Nick and Ester.
Ester stirred and woke when the motors started to thrum into life.
On the shore Jason was writing his contact details and insurance company details on a napkin furiously. He kept looking up every now and again to see where the wheel chair was going. He slammed the details into the businessman’s hands and started to sprint down the dock towards the boat as it drew away.
He tried shouting but no one was paying attention. Some people on the upper decks waved at him.
Jason thought fast, the ship was slowly, making a wider and wider gap between the docks. Jason jumped.
He looked down and saw the white froth from the huge engines churning the water beneath him. He hesitated, hit the hand rail under one of his ribs and bounced backwards towards his doom.
His hands flailing, grasping at nothing, when one of them hit the edge under the railing. He grabbed it and swung into the side of the ship. Getting the breath knocked out of him and being momentarily stunned. It had all happened within a few seconds.
Some people that had seen him came running and helped him up and over.
He lay down on the cold deck for a little while gasping, letting his pulse have a chance to calm down.
Ester woke up, She had had the most horrible dream, that she had been kidnapped, and she had blown the head off her captor, that professed to being a demon, and the car had almost been crushed by a truck, and then the demon got his head back and saved the day. She was so glad it was over. She looked around, the demon was looking at her. She realized with a sinking feeling that it wasn’t a dream. How come dreams about her and Jason never came true? Why was it only the stink ones that came true. Like when she had dreamed she had cleaned the whole house, it had taken all night. Then she woke up and realized she had to do it all again, but this time awake.
.Nick looked around surreptitiously.
“Can you stand up? Cause its time to get moving.”
Ester glared at him, then stood up.
Nick smiled, “Ah, good, I was worried about you for a second. Now go down that hall and don’t even think of calling for help.” He let the butt of his water pistol stick out of his pocket slightly to show that he meant business.
He let his face drop for a second, “I’m sorry we have to do it this way, but we both know I can’t trust you.”
She gave a sickly smile, “Sounds odd doesn’t it, cant trust me when you’re the one with the gun.”
He winked at her then pushed her down the hall way. It was a little passage that led to a bolted white door. It had an orange sign in the middle, indicating that ear muffs should be worn. It also had a sign saying, “Engine room. Crew only.”
Nick bent down and looked at the door knob. He pulled out a vivid marker pen. He drew a circle round the knob and then 5 points at intervals around the circle.
He looked up at Ester, stood back behind her and said “Ok, now open it.”
--To be continued
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