Woops, The comic didn't do what it was meant to when it was hosted on this. So please go here to view comic -> http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/7311/200th7wo.jpg
Wow, Thats pretty cool I guess. Props to Matt for colouring, next time I wont be holding your hand the whole way. Gotta learn to do it yourself sometime or another. :P Enjoy that V. Gonna have to work a lot harder next time to earn one. Lol.
Imagine If I had stopped this whole project at number 50 all that time ago. I would rather not imagine *shivver*.
This comic would have been a whole lot bigger but I decided against it because time was of the essence and poor 56k modems would be waiting forever to see the bottom of it. I feel for you all. I know how it feels.
So, thanks everyone for supporting me in my plight, for the good times and the bad. for richer or poorer (mostly poorer), sickeness and in health. Yes!I do I do! Now, how many brides do I get? lol, k, little overboard there. But you can forgive me...If you want
Ms. Rourke go here -> http://izak1399.livejournal.com/1415.html
Monday, May 29, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
comic #199

ooh, the eve of comic #200, Thats freaky. It'l be super cool and kick ass compared to the shoddy things I did last time for comic ,#50 ,#100 ,#150. No one even GOT comic #100. Lol, the main thing is I did. And I shall giggle at everyone so they feel as though theres a big joke their all left out of.
Matt will be using his super siane photoshop cs2 skillz, so that will be sweet.
I used fireworks for a couple frames of this comic. fun fact, take it home. Chew on it.
Also, frame 6, yes, can you see it? That itty bitty steve on the skate board was originally a doodle I did on a piece of scrap paper when the computer decided to have fits. I didn't think about it much at the time, but this morning (about two weeks after drawing it), I was like, frig, wheres that piece of paper?? MUM..Wheres the paper!.. Which paper?.. You know, the one with a doodle of steve on it.. Ok so that REALLY narrows it down doesnt it? Only every white piece of thinly sliced piece of wood in the house is covered in your creepy little drawings.. Point...
But eventually I Found it, and viola, 2 inchs of blankness is used up.
Girls are still pretty annoying to draw, with their jutty oute hips and assets and stuff. So I had to go out and find some resources to help me out..Ok. Stop looking at me like that.. I got 'danger girl' out from the library and some anime(shudder). Basically imagine a cartoonist who looks at playboy all day drawing superhero chics for a comic and you should have a rough Idea of the dimentions he uses. Sorry for being blunt, but when your talking about this sorta thing you have to just say it or not say it at all. I should have gone with the latter option.
Piece out, so you all real soonish.
Currently listening to: Reel Big fish - Drunk Again. and the pink panther theme song.
Monday, May 22, 2006
comic #198
Friday, May 12, 2006
comic #197

Howdy all. Wow. the comic rankings going all over the place. one moment its on 2000, next day its on 1888.
Anyways. STILL working on the cartoon that I mentioned earlier in the month. Confidential about what its about. nothing to do with Steve so dont expect a feature length animation anytime soon. I have been thinking of doing that. Get a bunch of friends to do the voices. I cant really think of anyone to do Steves voice though. I want Orlando bloom to do my voice. So I sound sorta high breathed and arrogant sounding. "pahhst mhe theh RING FrOod0.", "Mhy FATHER was not ah PirATe. AAARR. oops, sorry, I learnt that off my father."
cool phrases of the week: awesome by association. Awesomeness on a stick. You and I are mortal but rock and roll will never die.
( He smurfed all the smurfing smurf berries.)
comic #196

Jarado (Jarjar) has been given a slight make over. Actually I dont know how slight because I couldn't be bothered going back and finding out what he looked like. Woops. Forgot to do spellcheck. Sorry Zara. Your Jedi has sinned. actually, You can see what I think about spellchecking if you look at the end lyrics for Reel Big fish- Nothin' . :P, ooh. its like a treasure hunt for Izaks opinions.
Well all this extra time to have a life has been used up wisely. Weeks been so busy I dont wanna talk about it. But what I can say is, I have enjoyed Surfing over all my fave webcomics (Meowza, Punks and Nerds to name a few.) and discovering a couple of new ones,(Stuff sucks, girly, jamie dee,).
Keep on rockin'.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Battle field 2 Is Kick ass! Multi player is so cool. Such a good stress relief.
"Boom! Head shot! Thats what you get for dropping a tank on my head!"
Anyway. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, the comp was taken over by Ben (my brother). Been playing Red Alert 2 like crazy. Clocks the Skirmishes in 15 minutes, can last without getting one guy killed. Thats just nuts. My games usually last 40 minutes.
Sorry, no colour, nothing fancy, been waaaaay to busy with stuff.
It seems as though, some people didnt have much of an idea of what was going on in the last comic. They were investigating the murder of Tess's father. Clears stuff up? it wasnt just A comic that had nothing to do with the story line. I would usually announce it if it was.
anyway, heres the next installation of the story.
George Watched the boats load up with people. A faceless mass, all with separate lives and dramas, all thinking they’re the center of the universe. In fact this was all very untrue, the world revolved around only one person, and had been for at least the past 80 years. But this is getting off track; let us go back to George.
He was so bored and sleepy he barely noticed the man in the slick suit walk towards him. The man looked fake. As if his whole being was a masquerade. Pretending what he wasn’t. He was dosed in blood, all the way down his ripped front, splashing onto his pants.
The man flashed George a quick grin.
“Would you be interested in selling me that wheel chair kind Sir?” Nick prompted.
“Kind Sir?” George said “You haven’t heard my answer yet. Noo. I won’t.”
“But what If I offer you what you have always wanted most?” Nick Grinned again.
--to be continued.
Friday, May 05, 2006
comic #194

urg. This comic got deleted when it was almost finished. Basically making this past week a waste of time to do the comic.Oh well.
Quick note: I have a live journal now! Woot. Theres the linky thing for it on the side bar there. Check it out. Ill be sticking doodles and what not that dont have to do with Steve on there.
Sorry bought the colouring on this one. Just testing out different styles, seems as though I ended up with the "Little kid with felt tips to lazy" sorta effect. Shoulda just stuck with the blood. Much more effective and less annoying to do.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Steve: the next generation?

For a while I have been thinking of an art shift, basically making all the characters look less manga and more real(ish). So heres the first sketch. Im gonna do tess and the rest of the team next. Notice he has started to grow stubble? Little Steve is starting to finally grow up('bought tiume to. hes like what? 16?)
Been semi working on tomorrows strip. I have been burning most of my time animating, I forgot how fun it was. Im being a lot more adventurious with my camera angles and effects now that I have grown confident in my drawing.
So check this space tomorrow for the next instalation of Izak*Steve. Murder mystery anyone? CSI Piss take anyone?
"Wait! This bit of glass imbedded in her forhead must be from the get away vehicle! Take it down to the lab and get it checked out!"....Later, at the lab: "The glass checks out, from a car with the registration number: PA314." "My God! Thats the registration number of the guy whos sleeping with my wife! Shes in danger!" "Idiot."...How did they figure out the number plate from a piece of broken glass? The plot thickens (actually the plot is really quite diluted. Stupid made for TV trash, goes for all crime scene investigation programs.) (haha, now everyone hates me.)
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