Yay, everyone loves nom nom, and everyone loves relient K! Relient K has always come around at a pivital point in my life. They were the first band I ever listened to, effectively set me on my course of punk rock. The first song I ever heard of theirs was "Mood rings" And I was curious as to whether they were actually a christian band or not. This was back in 2003 (I think). their album "Two lefts don't make a right but three do" Set the tone for my life at the time. Getting my first GF, generally going through teen angst. "mmhmm" kept that track going, except growing up just a tad, being a bit more serious, less jokes, but still light hearted. "Five score and seven years" that one came just in time for that first gf I mentioned to marry my best friend. I was a real sook about it and the final song "DeathBed" helped me get over myself. (Less morbid than it sounds,)