I would like to take this moment to rant about music lovers. I am a music lover. I think just about everyone is. Except angry old shrewds, who measure the decibels of everyones music, and squeel like a little girl when it goes one over the legal limit for a residential area.
It bugs me when people say that a bands new sound sucks. That their old stuff was way better. Now I find this comparison similiar to comparing a first year student with a masters students work, and saying that the first years was better, for no better reason than that the they saw the first year students stuff first.
In some cases very rare cases of course the students work may be better. But Bands are constantly improving their sound. Or at least they should be, unless they're lazy.
So next time You say something like "man I love greendays new album" and someone else says "Yea, but their original stuff was better." You can respond with phrases like "Your left behind in the 90's."; "Yea, because 3 chord riffs are always the superiour choice." ; "Just because you can't figure out the story line of the album" ; "Do you even know what a rock operah is faggot?"
Yea, I said faggot, fuck face.
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