Sunday, July 08, 2007

Comic #245

Well I'm on the Eve of having what will probably be the coolest week ever, and my eyes hurt from staring at this damn screen to much. But it helps pass the time till 9:30 when Samurai Jack

comes on. woot woot. two in a row of cartoon awesomeness. Wide screen mode <3.

So Izak, what have you been doing lately? Well Izak I have been drawing a hell of a lot. Playing a lot. Day dreaming a bunch. How bought you? Well me? now that you come to mention it I have been pretty good. My opinions on a lot of subjects have changed and I feel as though I may have hardened myself against the world just a bit. But its all a learning curve you know. Everyone goes through it. Some toughen up. Some get far to negative, some bluster it over. Some breakdown. Some numb it down with drugs and alcohol. Some cant handle it and stop their continued existance.

The list could go on. But theres always titties.... heh.. Hope seems to be an underlying theme in all my little stories these days.. Must be what people need.


Anonymous said...

It's spelled friggin 'bout'

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....