man.I have been walking evrywhere today.My feet are killing me.I went to buy some fire works today from pak n save.And the lady wouldnt let me buy them since I dont have I.D.(im homeschooled and we cant be screwed with usless peices of plastic.).So I said to the lady "Do I look under 14?!?And all she did was sit there.She didnt say a thing so I put the stupid firecrackers back.But TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY!ill get matt to get me them.muhahaha.
YAY!My site on keenspot is almost running!That means This blog is almost redundent.Ill probably still update this but not as often.When I have It running ill link this to it.
In this comic I decided to stick A mini comic at the bottom cause I had all this space.Its just me talking but hey!Who DOESNT like listening to me talk.
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