wow.Some people just dont know when to shut up and go away.well enough backstabing for now.Labour weekend rocked my socks!Spent the whole day at wiawera hot pools and managed to geta sun burn even though we bairly ever saw the sun. The wholetime I was like "Oh baby give me a sun tan" then on theway home its like "Oh ****, that frickin hurts!"I think im different from other guys.When I see a girl Imight go "hmm, shes hot" and thats it but other guys arelike "OOOOOH!AAAAAHH!Shes the most hot slut bag I have ever seen!Damn, I wonder how old she is?!?".Im not trying to say otherguys are like this.Maybe im weird or Perhaps its just the jerk bags that I hang outwith.Whoops there I go again.
Oh well, this is the very first comic to show cliche comic book superhero guy!It just had to be done. This character is based on one ofmy good jerk bag friends Robert Thomas Greenwood Steel Menzies Jnr V.He may have extended it since last time I could ask.Hes A real niceguy(vain but cool), pitty he hasnt introduced me to his ex girl friend.(hint hint, nudge nudge.)ok I lie, perhaps I am like other guys butexprese myself differently to everyone else.
Tommorows comic might be a little late since I havent made it yet andI have another jam packed day.so, yea...uh...*Crashs to floor in afit of jublente sleep*