Gosh, izaks drama of the day:
izak inocently picks up the tube of tartair sauce to put on his fish. A splattering of the stuff goes on his fingers and a peice of fish falls on his lap. Not knowing what to deal with first he goes for the fish, as he picks it up a mosqieto buzzes up to his neck to do some french kissing with his veins. Izak instantly repulsed at this affection slaps his kneck to get rid of the offending creature. Totally forgeting that he was holding a peice of fish maranated in sauce.
Whos the winner here America? Deffienetly not me anyway.
Ester shook her head. Why had she walked out of the board room? Why had she had the one thought in her mind that it might be a good idea to go to the water front? A sleek rather good looking man stood in front of her. He gave her a broad grin.
“No doubt your wondering why you’re here.”
“Uh..” she started.
“you’re here to do exactly as I say without questioning what I say.”
“And what..”
“So undress right NOW.” He said with a straight face. He burst out laughing.
“I’m just kidding.” He smiled “But I’m not about the gun in my pocket.”
She visibly relaxed. She didn’t mind dieing in public but shed be damned if she would be naked in public.
“Who are you anyway?” she said, starting to look angry. The confusion and shock starting to wear off.
“Just call me Nick, Demon at your service.” He bowed low, then looked up through the hair that had fallen in front of his eyes,
“actually, your at mine.”
--to be continued.
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