My gosh, I Copied the whole story of the boy and the black box onto Microsoft word, and by golly, how could anyone READ it?Its so full of mistakes but dont worry, its all corrected, and when the downloads are updated ill make matt put it in the specials folder, entire story, no spelling errors.
Thought stood until the car was far out of sight.
He swivelled around, jumped the ditch that ran along the side of the road. He slowly climbed over the fence that went around the field. Thought walked across the field towards the old wood shed. When he reached the door, which was swinging idly on its hinges, it would get half way then bounce off a tuft of weeds which had made their home in the centre of the doors path.
Thought stopped, took a perceptible breath then closed the door; it was hard enough to tear the weeds out of the way.
He held the door closed for a moment with his palm spread out on it.
Then he opened it.
A dank breeze came out of it at him. Inside was a concrete room, exactly opposite his door was another, and to the right, a hallway lead for miles, to the left a few doors down was a slightly wider room, it had a fan on the roof which swung slowly. A bare bulb fizzled.
“I thought you would never come.” A small Indian man came around the corner.
“Please, come in.” he said.
Thought walked into the hall way and followed the small man to the table.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t got anything prepared.” The man bowed slightly.
It was odd, seeing a grown man humbling himself to little more than a boy.
“Don’t apologise brother,” said the boy “for it is I who should apologise.”
“You have come to call in the favour?”
“Yes.” The boy dumped the box onto the table. Small voices hissed, like wind through the Bowes of a tree.
The man recoiled away,
“You cannot ask this favour of me!”
The boys face didn’t flicker with any sort of emotion,
“You do not need to fulfil any tasks, but only guard the box.”
The man shock gently.
“But what If I can not resist the voices?”
“You shall have to try. I have born them for far too long already.”
“But a millennium of evil is held inside the box.” Said the Indian man in what almost sounded like awe.
“And a millennium more is to be born.”
-the sort of end
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