The old man reached out his hand. As he leaned forward he heard voices. Low, whispering,s weet, like syrup running off a spoon.He was amazed by them. As the noy and the old man touched hands he felt a great weight lift off him. As if all the rocks that had been collecting up over his life had just been taken away. His world suddenly became more solid, more tangible. He no longer felt as though he was being swamped under by all the problems of his life.
no he could see opportunitys where he used to only see insurmountable walls.
He opened his eyes. He hadnt realized that they were even closed, it was almost as if he opened them for the very first time. He saw the world, and it was beautiful.
The boy walked on, up the path, past another set of car parks and another large store. he reached the main road on the far side of all this.
He stood precisely on the side walk facing the road. He lifted out his hand as if it were a scientific manouver and raised his thumb out.
Almost the very first car stopped, The middle aged man and a woman beside him looked out of the open window.
The man leanded over,
"Need a ride?"
"yes" the boy said, with his precise tones.
"where ya headed?"
"where are you going?"
the man looked oddly at the boy.
"Out into the country. Your not running away from home are ya?"
"far from it." the boy almost smiled.
He walked to the back of the car and put the black box into the boot. He did this carefully and precisely. he closed the trunk with the slightest of clicks.
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