ok, time out. lol, Im totally random. Starting a Short story and not even announcing it. for any one curious, its simply called the boy and the black box. It may or may not have anything to do with steve.
Todays comic is partly based on a night mare I used to have over and OVER again. Sometimes even twice a night. It used to scare the beejeezers outa me, and mum used to say that I would point at random parts of the room and talk and stuff.
Anyway, the dream was like, a black place, and there was weird greeny colour for contrast..Anyway, I would be standing by this pare of steps, which would in turn lead up to a path. The path would stretch on forever. But the first time I went on it (with somebody I cant remember whome), i would take a couple of steps, but feel massive amount of movement I would literaly step across the universe(as a discription, except no stars, nothing, just black). So I made it to the other side and theres small things which would be massively mind boggeling at the same time. So for some weird reason I decided to take one of these "things" back with me. There was a kid by the steps warning me not to go, but did I listen? NOOOOOPE. So I step out onto the path and move for bizzilions of miles. but for some enexplicable reason I cant move at that speed ever again. Im stuck in nowhere. For a while I can see a grey line or tunnel leading onto where I was and where I should be going. But I still cant go anywhere. Im completely cut off from all human interaction and emotions and everything that makes us what we are for the rest of my life. Forlonly sitting in nowhere, not being able to do ANYTHING. No life.....
Personaly I have a feeling thats hell. I hope none of you go there. even in a dream its unbearable.
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