Oh my friggin gosh. I was doing an image search for buddhism and muslim religous Icons. One of the first pictures for the muslim search(where is that Iraqi boy?) was rather rivolting. It was pictures of the war in Iraq, it was truley nausiating. I Sorta regret doing (sorta) groosim comics now that I have seen what a real human looks like with their heads blown off. War is not a good thing.
Quote of the day: Make war not love, its safer....wait.
Listening to:"somebody hates me" by Reel Big Fish.
The man got up, threw his rubbish in a convenient bush and walked towards the woman. Now would be a good time to learn their names, his would be hard to pronounce in any human tongue so for now his name will be nerkicontrivenickes, or Nick for short.
Hers was a rather boring, normal name in comparison, Ester Harding. He was alive when the Greeks had first thought of philosophy. She was alive when rock stars thought it was cool to wear skin tight leopard skin jump suits.
Nicks life had been spent running, chasing, twisting, and in general, being a scourge to human history.
Esters life had been spent running away from, and chasing boys in her teenage years. She was currently going steady with a rather nice guy who was currently asking the mirror to marry him in different tones of voices and muttering “No that’s not right... Got to make it really nice, but not whiney or pleading.”
He stopped in front of her; she was staring blankly through him. Her eyes started to focus on him.
--to be continued.
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