Yes Keir, I know you live in a house. :p, an extremely creepy one by the looks of this comic.
final episode to the black box,(or IS it?dun dun duuuun.)
Izak walked across the bridge. He was almost home. He crunched across the gravel, past the trees which were by now, almost bear of leaves. He didn’t notice them, He was thinking. They fell around him and crunched underneath his feet. He was happy, which was his usual disposition.
He went through the gate, it clicked behind him. Half the fence still hadn’t been painted.
When he walked inside, off the patio, he found his mother, tears streaming down her face.
“Where have you BEEN.” She yelled.
“Uh.” Started izak, but he was broken off by the tsunami of hugs formally known as mum.
“Music practice?” he managed to squeak.
She told him he had been missing for three days, there were search and rescue workers trawling for his body in the creek.
He walked into his room, having no idea what was going on. He set down his keyboard case onto the stands. He went to open the zips, he felt a wave of nausea and fear, he had a strange feeling there was something inside there he shouldn’t let out, what it could be he did not know.
He unzipped it.
Nothing happened.
He felt rather silly.
What would really be so life threatening in a jet black box or case.
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