For all those that hadnt figured it out, the last couple of comics yesterday were part of a special comic made for Matt, (woot, hes 17!), I promised him that He would be the only person laying eyes on them, but I was three comics behind.. So I lied. my bad. BUT. No one will be able to see the last 4 or 5 pages of that comic.muhahahaha, look on Ebay or trade me one day..
Man, I have been one busy son of a bee lately. Indian ink drawings, sketchs, charcoal, graphite. You name it, Ill discredit it. Also done the next coupla days comics. Its sorta curving towards me again. Been working on shading and stuff. slowly edging its way onto the people(youll see in tomorrows.).
Wow, its amazing how many hollow promises, plot twists, and dead ends I have made in the comic. Im gonna go back and collect them all up, and see if I can come up with plausable endings. The boy and the black box is almost at an end, thats should be pretty easy to finish, But I dont really want to finish it. Its the sort of story that mutates into an epic headache real fast. It would rock, if I was a good writer that is(thanks for the support Nicolean.).
I didnt take offence. but the use of "sweet" either has a realy sarcastic ring to it or a surprisingly cute ring to it.
"Taking your own sweet time" is actually a cliched expression that is as old as the hills, which in fact is also a pretty ancient saying.
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