Gosh, its sorta sad, I went back to the webcomic that started it all for me yesterday. One of my favourite series is ending, www.stubblecomics.com . This is the webcomic that made me really interested in making my own, I owe more to Josh Merman than he knows. Its sad sometimes to see how much stress hes under doing these projects. Im surprised he has enough energy to make them even.
Perhaps Im fortunate to only have a small (if any) fan base. No ones constantly bugging me, trying to dig into my personal life, or making mean comments behind my back except for matt. But we do that in equal doses so its ok, we all know who the brains of the opperation really is.Or at least he likes to think he knows :P, jjks.
Anyway, This is going out to all the other webcomics out there, "Skrew what people say about you!As long as you enjoy it, keep with it, If your running out of steam and only do it because everyone will send you hate mail if you didnt, same thing. Skrew them. You have a life to, and your obligated to live it your way, not everyone elses.
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