ok. Hmm, I had a lot to say before. But shit happened. let me explain.
So today i walked out side right. quiet like a fish, when this, HUMUNGOUS.... no. I can't do it, im thinking less than one word ahead. hm, that sucks.
Well, I guess I have a lot on my mind...
This comic. I didn't feel very inspired while drawing it.. I'll do better next time, when I'm actually in the mood.
I clocked Doom 3 last night. the last boss was easy as pie. He's HUGE though. It was quiet impressive. But the last video sequence at the end didn't make me feel very fulfilled. BUT, its an awesome game, I loved it from begining to end. Man, you have to see me the first time I played it, I jumped every time a zombie or a demon jumped out at me. I got really into the game, I loved the experience, I thought it was particualerly mean for the first part of one level, there are no bad guys, but grates fall down, or gas pipes burst, or you see skutteling and a shadow dart past between some pipes, it gets you really wound up. Awesome game, the only reason halo's more popular is because of multiplayer. If Doom 3 had a decent muliplayer It would be a lot higher up the list of kick arseness than it is at the moment.
Thats my nerd speech, I don't do that to often, but since I am a nerd i think i'm more than aloud to talk like one every now and again. You wouldn't believe the amount of comic books I consume.
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